Page:A book of nursery songs and rhymes (1895).pdf/157

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Pease-pudding hot, pease-pudding cold,
Pease-pudding in the pot, nine days old.
Some like it hot, some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot, nine days old.


Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe,
Give it a stitch, and that will do.
Here's a nail, and there's a prod,
And now my little maid's well shod.


'Willy boy, Willy boy, where are you going?
I will go with you, if I may.'
'I am going to the meadows, to see them mowing,
I am going to see them make the hay.'


Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating of curds and whey:
There came a little spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.