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John Long's New & Forthcoming Books THE AUTHOR WITH THE LARGEST PUBLIC The Sales of Nat Gould's Novels exceed 5,000,000 (five million) Copies NAT GOULD'S NEW NOVELS MR. JOHN LONG is now the exclusive Publisher of all Mr. Nat Gould's New Novels, with cover designs in four colours by MR. HARING- TON BIRD, the well-known horse painter. The following is the List to October, 1907 : Price 2s. each, illustrated boards ; or in cloth gilt, 2s. 6d. each. Crown 8vo., 288 pages ONE OF A MOB Ready A STRAIGHT GOER -Ready A HUNDRED TO ONE CHANCE Ready A SPORTING SQUATTER Ready THE SELLING PLATER^ CHARGER AND CHASER THE LADY TRAINER Ready Ready THE CHANCE OF A LIFE- TIME Ready THE LITTLE WONDER July THE TOP WEIGHT October FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION NAT GOULD'S ANNUAL, 1907 A STROKE OF LUCK Price Is., large demy 8vo., 160 pages, sewed, cover in colours V Orders are now being taken for NAT GOULD'S ANNUAL for 1907 [Ready in October JOHN LONG, 12, 13 & 14 Norris Street, Hay market, London IS