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• General Literature


Bona (Cardinal). See Library of Devotion. Boon (P. C.)., B.A. See Commercial Series. Borrow (George). See Little Library. Bos (J. Ritzei.^a). AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY. Translated by J. R. AiNS- WORTH Davis, M.A. With 155 Illustrations. Third Edi lion. Cr. %vo. 3^. 6d. Botting(C. G.), B.A. EASY GREEK EXERCISES. Cr. Zvo. 2s. See also Junior Examination Series. Bou!ting(W.) TASSO AND HIS TIMES. With 24 Illustrations. Demy ^vo. xos. 6d. net. Boulton(E. S.), M.A. GEOMETRY ON

MODERN LINES. Cr. 8vo. 2s. Boulton (William B.>. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH. His Life and Work, Friends and Sitters. With 40 Illustra- tions. Second Ed. DemyZvo. • SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. With

49 Illustrations. DemyZvo. js. 6d. net. Bowden(B. M.). THE IMITATION OF BUDDHA: Being Quotations^ from Buddhist Literature for each Day in the Year. Fi/ik Edition. Cr. idnto. BoyIe(W.). CHRISTMAS AT THE ZOO. With Verses by W. Boyle and 24 Coloured Pictures by H. B. Neilson. Super Royal i6tno. 2s. Brabant (F. O.), M.A. See Little Guides. Bradley (A. G.). ROUND ABOUT WILT- SHIRE. With 14 Illustrations, in Colour by T. C. GoTCH, 16 other Illustrations, and a Map. Second Edition. Cr. Bvo. 6s, A Colonial Edition is also published. THE ROMANCE OF NORTHUMBER- LAND. With 16 Illustrations in Colour by Frank Sou^hgate, R.B.A., and 12 from Photographs. Second Edition. Derny %vo. js. 6d net.

A Colonial Edition is also published. Bradley (John W. ). See Little Books on Art. Braid (James), Open Champion, 1901, 1905 and 1906. ADVANCED GOLF. With 88 Photographs and Diagrams, Fourth Edition. Demy Zvo.^ \qs. 6d. net. A Colonial Edition is also published. Braid (James) and Others. GREAT GOLFERS IN THE MAKING. Edited by Henry Leach. With 24 Illustrations. Second Edition. Demy 8 7'^. ']s. 6d. net. A Colonial Edition is also published. Brailsford (H. N.). MACEDONIA: ITS RACES AND THEIR FUTURE. With Photographs and Maps. Demy Zvo. X2S. 6d. net. Brodrick (Mary) and Morton (A. Ander- son). A CONCISE Die ITONARY OF EGYPTIAN ARCH/EOLOGY. A Hand- Book for Students and Travellers. With 80 Illustrations and many Cartouches. Cr. Svo. 3S. 6d. Brooks (E. E.), B.Sc. (Lond), Leicester Municipal Technical School, and James (W. H.N.),A.R.C.S., A.M.I. E.E., Muni- cipal School of Technology, Manchester. See Textbooks of Technology. Brooks (E. W.). See Hamilton (F. J.)


Zvo. "js. 6d. net.

Brown (S. E.), M.A., B.Sc, Senior Science Master at Uppingham. A PRACTICAL CHEMISTkY NOTE -BOOK FOR MATRICULATION AND ARMY CAN- DIDATES. Easy Experiments on the Commoner Substances. Cr. ^to. js. 6d. net,

Brown(J. Wood), M.A. THE BUILDERS OF FLORENCE. With 74 Illustrations by Herbert Railton. Demy 4to.

Browne (Sir Thomas). See Standard Library'.

Brownell (C. L.). THE HEART OF JAPAN. Illustrated. Third Edition. Cr. Zvo. 6s. ; also Demy Sz/o. 6d.

Brownine (Robert). See Little Library.

Bryant (Walter W.), B.A., F.R.A.S., F.R. Met. Soc, of the Royal Observatory. Green- wich. A HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY. With 35 Illustrations. DemyZvo. -is

Buckland (Francis T.). CURIOSITIES OF NATURAL HISTORY. Illustrated by H. B. Neilson. Cr. Zvo. %s. 6d.

Buckton (A. M.) THE BURDEN OF ENGELA. Second Edition. Cr. Zvo, is. 6d. net.

EAGER HEART : A Mystery Play. Seventh Edition. Cr. Zvo. is. net.

KINGS IN BABYLON : A Drama. Cr. 8vo. IS. net.

SONGS OF JOY. Cr. Zvo. is. net.

Bud^e (E. A. Wallis). THE GODS OF THE EGYPTIANS. With over 100 Coloured Plates and many Illustrations. Two Volumes. Royal Zvo. £2^ ^J- «^^-

Bull (Paul), Army Chaplain. GOD AND OUR SOLDIERS. Second Edition. Cr. ivo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published.

Bulley (Miss). See Dilke (Lady).

Bunyan (John). See Standard Library and Library of Devotion.

Burch (Q. J.), M.A., F.R.S. A MANUAL OF ELECTRICAL SCIENCE. Illus- trated. Cr. 87(7. 3J.

Burgess (Qelett). GOOPS AND HOW TO BE THEM. Illustrated. Small ^to. 6s.

Burke (Edmund). See Standard Library,

Burn (A. E.), D.D,, Rector of Handsworth and Prebendary of Lichfield, See Hand- books of Theology.

Burn (J. H.), B. D., F. R. S. E. THE CHURCHMAN'S TREASURY OF SONG: Gathered from the Christian poetry of all ages. Edited by. Fcap. 8vo. Ss. 6d. net. See also Library of Devotion.

Burnand (Sir F. C). RECORDS AND REMINISCENCES. With a Portrait by H. v. Herkomer. Cr, Svo. Fourth and Cheaper Editir n. 6s.

A Colonial Edition is also published.

Burns (Robert), THE POEMS. Edited by Andrew Lang and W. A. Craigie. With Portrait. Third Edition. Demy 8vo, gilt top. 6s.

See also Standard Library.