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Messrs. Methuen's Catalogue

Douglas (James). THE MAN IN THE

PULPIT, Cr. &V0. 2s. 6d. net. Dowden (J.), D.D., Lord Bishop of Edin- burgh. FURTHER STUDIES IN THE

PRAYER BOOK. Cr. Svo. 6s. See also Churchman's Library. Drage (Q.). See Books on Business. Draper (P. W. M.). See Simplified French

Texts. Driver (S. R.), D.D., D.C.L., Regius Pro- fessor of Hebrew in the University of



TESTAMENT. _ Cr. 8vo. 6s.

See also Westminster Commentaries. Dry ( Wakeling). See Little Guides. Dryhurst (A. R.). See Little Books on Art. Du Buisson (J. C), M.A. See Churchman's

Bible. ■ Duguid (Charles). See Books on Business. Dumas (Alexandre). THE CRIMES OF


With an Introduction by R. S. Garnett.

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DIER AND OTHERS. With 8 Illustra-

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With 8 Illustrations. Cr. 8vo. 6s. THE CRIMES OF ALI PACHA AND

OTHERS. With 8 Illustrations. Cr. 8vo.

6s. Colonial Editions are also published. MY MEMOIKS. Translated by E. M.

Waller. With an Introduction by Andrew

Lang. With Frontispieces in Photogravure.

In six Volumes. Cr. %vo. 6s. each volume. A Colonial Edition is also published.

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EAST ANGLIA. With 16 Illustrations in

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See also Little Guides.

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Edmonds(MajorJ. E.),R.E.;D.A.Q,-M.G. See Wood (W. Birkbeck).

Edwards (Clement), M.P. RAILWAY NATIONALIZATION. Second Edition, Revised. Croiun 8vo. -zs. 6d. net.

Edwards (W. Douglas). See Commercial Series.

Edwardes (Tickner). THE LORE OF TTHE HON EY BEE. With many Illustra- tions. Cr. 8vo. 6s.

Egan (Pierce). See I.P.L.

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Cheaper Issue, with a supplementary chapter.

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Ellaby (C. G.). See Little Guides.

Eilerton (F. G.). See Stone (S. J.).

Epictetus. See Aurelius (Marcus),

Erasmus. A Book called in Latin EN- CPIIRIDION MILITIS CHRISTIANI, and in English the Manual of the Christian Knight. J'caJ>. 8vo. 3^. 6d. net.

Ewald(Carl). TWO LEGS, AND OTHER STORIES. Translated from the Danish by Alexander Teixeira i'E Mattos. Illustrated by Augusta Guest. Large Cr. 87J0. 6s.

Fairbrother(W. H.), M.A. THE PHILO- SOPHY OF T. H. GREEN. Second Edition. Cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Fea (Allan). SOME BEAUTIES OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. With 82 Illustrations. Second Edition. Demy 8vo, lis. 6d. net.

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A Colonial Edition is also published.

SECRET CHAMBERS AND HIDING- PLACES. With 80 Illustrations. New and revised Edition. Demy 8vo. "js. 6d. net. A Colonial Edition is also published.

Ferrier (Susan). See Little Library,

Fidler (T. Claxton), M,Inst. C.E. See Books on Business.

Fielding (Henry). See Standard Library.

Finn (S. W.), M.A. See Junior Examination Series.

Firth (J. B.). See Little Guides.

Firth (C. H.), M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford. CROM- WELL'S ARMY: AHistory of the English Soldier during the Civil Wars, the Com- monwealth, and the Protectorate. Cr. 8vo. 6s.

Firth (Edith E.). See Beginner's Books.,

FitzGerald (Edward). THE RUBAiyAt OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Printed from the Fifth and last Edition. With a Com- mentary by Mrs. Stephen Batson, and a Biography of Omar by E. D. Ross. Cr. 8vo. 6s. See also Miniature Library.