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General Literature


The Arden Shakespeare

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An edition of Shakespeare in single Plays, Edited with a full Introduction, Textual Notes, and a Commentary at the foot of the page.

Hamlet. Edited by Edward Dowden.

Romeo and Juliet. Edited by Edward Dowden.

King Lear. Edited by W. J. Craig.

Julius Caesar. Edited by M. Macmillan.

The Tempest. Edited by Moreton Luce.

Othello. Edited by H. C. Hart.

Titus Andronicus. Edited by H. B. Bail- don.

Cymbelinb. Edited by Edward Dowden.

T«K Merry Wives of Windsor. Edited by H. C. Hart.

A Midsummer Night's Dream. Edited by H. Cuningham.

King Henry V. Edited by H. A. Evans.

All's Well That Ends Well. Edited by W. O. Brigstocke.

The Taming of the Shrew. Edited by R. Warwick Bond.

Timon of Athens. Edited by K. Deighton.

Measure for Measure. Edited by H. C.

Hart. Twelfth Night. Edited by Moreton Luce. The Merchant of Venice. Edited by

C. Knox Pooler. Troilus and Cressida. Edited by K.

Deighton. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Edited

by R. Warwick Bond. Antony and Cleopatra. Edited by R. H.

Case. Love's Labour's Lost. Edited by H. C.

Hart. Pericles. Edited by K. Deighton. King Richard hi. Edited by A. H.

Thompson. The Life and Death of King John. Edited

by Ivor B. John. The Comedy of Errors. Edited by Henry


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Books on Business

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B.Sc. The Shipbuilding Industry : Its History,

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Lighting, G. Whyte,


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