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34 Messrs. Methuen's Catalogue University Extension Series A series of books on historical, literary, and scientific subjects, suitable for extension students and home-reading circles. Each volume is complete in itself, and the subjects are treated by competent writers in a broad and philosophic spirit. Edited by J. E. SYMES, M.A., Principal of University College, Nottingham. Crown 8vo. Price (with some exceptions) 2s. 6d. The following volumes are ready : — THE INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. By H. de B. Gibbins, D.Litt., M.A., late Scholar of Wad- ham College, Oxon., Cobden Prize- man. Sixth Edition, Revised. With Maps and Plans, y. 'A compact and clear story of our industrial development. A study of this concise but luminous book cannot fail to give the reader a clear insight into the prin- cipal phenomena of our industrial his- tory. The editor and publishers are to be congratulated on this first volume of their venture, and we shall look with expectant interest for the succeeding volumes of the series.' — University Ex- tension Journal. A HISTORY OF ENGLISH POLITI- CAL ECONOMY. By L. L. Price, M.A., Fellow of Oriel College, Oxon. Second Edition. PROBLEMS OF POVERTY : An Inquiry into the Industrial Condi- tions of the Poor. By J. A. Hobson, M.A. Third Edition. VICTORIAN POETS. By A. Sharp. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. By J. E. Symes, M.A. PSYCHOLOGY. By F. S. Granger, M.A. Secon d Edition . THE EVOLUTION OF PLANT LIFE : Lower Forms. By G. MASSEE. With Illustrations. AIR AND WATER. By V. B. Lewes, M.A. Illustrated. THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE AND HEALTH. By C. W. Kimmins, M. A. Illustrated. THE MECHANICS OF DAILY LIFE. By V. P. Sells, M.A. Illus- trated. ENGLISH SOCIAL REFORMERS. By H. de B. Gibbins, D.Litt., M.A. ENGLISH TRADE AND FINANCE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CEN- TURY. By W. A. S. Hewins, B.A. THE CHEMISTRY OF FIRE. The Elementary Principles of Chemistry. By M. M. Pattison Muir, M.A. Illustrated. A TEXT-BOOK OF AGRICUL- TURAL BOTANY. By M. C. Potter, M.A., F.L.S. Illustrated. 35. 6d. THE VAULT OF HEAVEN. A Popular Introduction to Astronomy. By R. A. Gregory. With numerous Illustrations. METEOROLOGY. The Elements of Weather and Climate. By H. N. Dickson, F.R.S.E., F.R. Met. Soc. Illustrated. A MANUAL OF ELECTRICAL SCIENCE. By George J. Burch, M.A. With numerous Illustrations. THE EARTH. An Introduction to Physiography. By Evan Small, M.A. Illustrated. INSECT LIFE. By F. W. Theo- bald, M.A. Illustrated. ENGLISH POETRY FROM BLAKE TO BROWNING. By W. M. Dixon, M.A. ENGLISH LOCAL GOVERN- MENT. By E. Jenks, M.A., Pro- fessor of Law at University College, Liverpool. THE GREEK VIEW OF LIFE. By G. L. Dickinson, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Second Edition.