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JOSEPHUS'S (FLAVIUS) WORKS. Bt the late WILLIAM WHI8TON, A. M. From the last London edition, complete, and the only readable edition published in this country. As a matter of course, every family in our country has a copy of the Holy Bible —and as the presumption is, the greater portion often consult its pages, we take the liberty of saying to all those that do, that the perusal of the writings of Jose- phus will be found very interesting and instructing. All those who wish to possess a beautiful and correct copy of this invaiuaole work, would do well to purchase this edition. It is for sale at aft the principal bookstores in the United States, by country merchants generally in the Southern and Western States. SAY'S POLITICAL ECONOMY. A Treatise on Political Economy, or the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth. By Jean Baptiste Say. Fifth American edi- tion, with Additional Notes, by C. C. Biddle, Esq., in 1 vol. 8vo. It would be beneficial to our country if all those who are aspiring to ofiice, were required by their constituents to be conversant with the pages of Say. The distinguished biographer of the author, in noticing this work, observes, " Happily for science he commenced that study which forms the basis of his admi- rable treatise on Political Economy, a work which not only improved under his hand with every successive edition, but has been translated into most of the Euro- pean languages." The editor of the North American Review, speaking of Say, observes, that " he is the most popular, and perhaps the most able writer on Political Economy, since the time of Smith." BENNETT'S (Rev. John) LETTERS TO A YOUNG LADY, On a variety of subjects calculated to improve the heart, to form the man- ners, and enlighten the understanding. " That our Daughters may be as polished corners of the Temple." The publishers sincerely hope, (for the happiness of mankind,) that a copy of this valuable little work will be found the companion of every young lady, as much of the happiness of every family depends on the proper cultivation of the female mind. BURDER'S VILLAGE SERMONS. Or, 101 Plain and Short Discourses on the Principal Doctrines of the Gospel ; intended for the use of Families, Sunday Schools, or compa- nies assembled for religious instruction in country villages. By George Burder. To which is added, to each Sermon, a short Prayer, with some General Prayers for Families, Schools, &c, at the end of the work. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo. These sermons, which are characterized by a beautiful simplicity, the entire absence of controversy, and a true evangelical spirit, have gone through many and large editions, and been translated into several of the continental languages. " They have also been the honored means not only of converting many individuals, but also of introducing the Gospel into districts, and even into parish churches, where before it was comparatively unknown." " This work fully deserves the immortality it has attained." This is a fine library edition of this invaluable work, and when we say that it should be found in the possession of every family, we only reiterate the sentiments and sincere wishes of all who take a deep interest in the eternal welfare ■jf maa kind. o