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THE WORKS 01 LAURENCE STERNE. In 1 vol. 8vo., with a Life of the Author, written by himself, and a Portrait The beautios of this author are so well known, and his errors in style and expression so few and far between, that one reads with renewed delight his deli- cate turns, &c. SPLENDID LIBRARY EDITIONS. IIjIjUSTUJITEB STJUYDJlItD POETS. ELEGANTLY FEINTED, AND UNIFORM IN SIZE AND STYLE. The following editions of Standard British Poets are illustrated with nu- merous steel engravings, and may be had in all varieties of binding. H^XB®^® W®XEI£©o Complete in 1 vol. 8vo., including all his Suppressed and Attributed Poems; with 6 beautiful engravings. 55" This edition has been carefully compared with the recent London edition of Mr. Murray, and made complete by the addition of more than fifty pages of poems heretofore unpublished in England. Among these there are a number that have never appeared in any American edition; and the publishers believe they are warranted in saying, that this is the most complete edition of Lord Byron't Poetical Works ever published in the United States. COWPER AND THOMSON'S PROSE AND POETICAL WORKS. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo., including two hundred and fifty Letters, and sundry Poems of Cowper, never before published in this country; and of Thomson a new and interesting Memoir, and upwards of twenty new Poems, for the first time printed from his own Manuscripts, taken from a late edition of the Aldine Poets now publishing in London; with 7 beautiful engravings. The distinguished Professor Silliman, speaking of this edition, observes, " I am as much gratified by the elegance and fine taste of your edition, as by the noble tribute of genius and moral excellence which these delightful authors have left for all future generations; and Cowper, especially, is not less conspicuous as a true Christian moralist and teacher, than as a poet of great power and exquisite taste." THE POETICAL WORKS OF MRS. REMANS. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo.; with 7 beautiful engravings.

  1. 5" This is a new and complete edition, with a splendid engraved likeness of

Mrs. Hemans on steel, and contains all the poems in the last London and Ameri- can editions. With a Critical Preface by Mr. Thatcher, of Boston. " As no work in the English language can be commended with more confidence, it will argu-j bad taste in a female in this country to be without a complete edition of the writings of one who was an honor to her sex and to humanity, and whose productions, from first to last, contain no syllable calculated to call a blush to the cheek of modesty and virtue. There is, moreover, in Mrs. Hemans' poetry a moral purity, and a religious feeling, which commend it, in an especial manner, to the discriminating reader. No parent or guardian will be under the necessity of imposing restrictions with regard to the free perusal of every production ema- nating from this gifted woman. There breathes throughout the whole a most eminent exemption from impropriety of thought or diction ; and there is at times a pensiveness of tone, a winning sadness in her more serious compositions, which tells of a - soul which has been lifted from the contemplation of terrestrial things, to divine communings with beings of a purer world." 4