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by Caxton.
Caton. The Book called Caton. Tranſlated by Caxton in 1484, from an extenſive French Gloſs of the Parvus Catho and Magnus Catho. Without Printer’s Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1484?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. 10. b. 8.
Cessolis, Jacobus de. The Game and Play of the Cheſs, moraliſed. Firſt Edition. Tranſlated by Caxton in 1474, and probably printed at Bruges. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1475?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. 10. b. 23. Gr. 10543. (Show Caſe viii.)
Cessolios, Jacobus de. The Game and Play of the Cheſs, moraliſed. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "Explicit per Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1481?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. 10. b. 1. (Show Caſe viii.)