Page:A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with brief biographical notices.djvu/15

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IN the following pages will be found a List—fairly complete, it is believed, if not exhaustive—of such Englishmen or others, being British subjects[1], as have been considered deserving of a place of record in any standard work of British Biography, and whose names are to be found also in the Admission Books of the Middle Temple[2].

The List extends to nearly one thousand names. Of these a very large number are, of course, those of distinction in the records of the Law—Judges, Advocates, Jurists and the like; but the majority,

  1. Two noteworthy exceptions to this rule will be found, on pp. 95 and 163 respectively, in the persons of the Venetian Ambassadors, Antonio Foscarini and Pietro Mocenigo
  2. This has been the general principle of selection. A departure from it, in the direction of a more Hberal inclusion, has, however, been made in a few instances apparently overlooked in the Biographies alluded to.