Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/100

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175 EAMA-CHANDEA SASTEI- -EAMA-KEISHNAM-ACHAEYULU 176 legend from the Kanyaka-puranamu, followed by appropriate songs.] pp. iii. 69, 16. Vizag[a- patam], 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 52.(5.) Forms tio. 2 of the Kalabhilashaka-kavya-malika. EAMA-CHANDEA SASTEI, Munzurpattu. [For works edited by E. S., see under the following headings :] MtJHUKTA. PtJKANAS. — Kurma-purdna. PuRANAS. — MdrliajidPya-purdna. EAMA-CHANDEA TIETHA, disciple of Vasudeva Sarasvatl. Ste Upanisoads. 5S);K^r»5'§?^«r'^S?. [Maha- vakya-ratnavali. Compiled by Eama- chandra.] 1904. 8°. 14007. b. 25. EAMA-CHANDEA VENKATA-KEISHNA EATJ, K. See Venkata-krishna Ead, K. R. EAMA-CHANDEAYYA, Bhattiprolu, of CldJahala- pudl. (^ • • • 1^=^"=^^ g'a-3^t5'cr>^^';r^,xi),t) . . . ?50(X^5f'(X^o^;5i3 -3coii [Andhra-kavita-ratnakaramu. A series of poems by various authors.] pp. xl. 88. SzjcSb^X'S'i&j^oefo^ n^o-s> [Vizianagram, 1902.] 8°. 14174. k. 64.(2.) Unfinished, EAMA-CHANDEUpU, Khandavilli, of EussulJconda. Dharinavateevilasam {•f^^bSitr'ifis^) , Chinta- mani First Prize Novelette of 1893 . . . Eeprinted from the Chintamani. (Ohintamani Series. No. XV.) pp. 98. Rajahmundry, 1894. 8°. 14174. g. 36.(1.) 'Lakshmisundaravijayam (oX-^oKf^Ss;. afisSw). Cliintamani Second Prize Novellette of 1896 . . . Eeprinted from the Chintamani. (Chinta- mani Series. No. xxxi.) pp. 90. Rajahmundry, 1897. 8°. 14174. g. 36.(8.) Malatheeraghaveeyam {^^eih-ij°^h<3S:>;ixi) . Chintamani Prize Novelette of 189-5 ... A re- print from the Chintamani. (Chintamani Series. No. xxvii.) pp. 64. Rajahmundry, 1896. 8°. 14174. g. 36.(6.) EAMACHAEYULU, KanddUa, of Beduduru. ^^ ... t;6viij'&-sj^5'y^o^«^-i3^tor£o3. [Ecduduru-haris- chandra-natakamu. A drama on the legend of the truthful king Harischandra. Partly re-written in poetical style by the author's younger brother Rangacharyulu, and edited by the latter and Kidambi Eaghavacharyulu.] pp. 104. s&JSTT'fr n?-o^ _Madras, 1906.] 8°. 14174. h. 30.(8.) EAMA-DASU, Nydya-pati. See Pillai Loka- chaeyar. i&isi«,s;;pS__^& -s» ii [Mumukshu-padi. Published by Eama-dasu.] 1892. 8°. 14174. bb. 6. EAMA-DASU, Vemavarapu. hi^^^-fr'-u^a&nxT^^. (The Murder of Pesliwa Narayana Eow.) pp. 33. 5i>-a!)s5|or3si« iUasulipatam^ 1908. 12°. 14174. f 33.(2.) Forms no. 3 of the Andhra-bhashabhivardhani Series. EAMA-DASUpU, Gopa-rdzu. ((^^assosoj^.) [Srl- hari-vijayamu. A work in 3 dsvdsas of verse interspersed with prose on the legend of the love and marriage of Krishna and Rukmini.] pp. 60, 1900, 1901. See Periodical Publications. — Nellore. Sree Vagvalli, etc. vol. ii., no. 2 — vol. iii., no. 6. 1899-1901. 8°. 14174. n. 38.(vols. 2, 3.) EAMA-DUTA, disciple of Ra7iga-rd(-ramana, of Eoskote. ^^%ir'iT'^^&^ i&j(si>o. [Sita-rama- sataka-trayam. Three series of Vaishnava devotional verses, viz. (1) Slta-rama-satakamu, (2) Sita-maha-devi-stotramu, and (3) Eama- sahasra-namamu.] pp. ix. 138. "3oX'?t'J6 ns^oE_ [Brtwr/a/ore, 1906.] 12°. 14174. a. 6. EAMA-KANTACHAEYULU, GofturmiMcala. See [Addenda] Gray (T.). Sree Karunarasa tharangini. Being the translation of Gray's Elegy ... by G. Ramakantacharya. 1910. 8°. 14175. a. 29.(2.) EAMA KAVI, Krovvidi. See Ramaya Mantri. EAMA-ZEISHNA, Tendla. See Tbnala Eama- KRISIINUDU. EAMA-KEISHNAM-ACHAEYULU, Dharmnvaramu. See Telugu Panihts. The Report of the First Congress of Telugu Pundits . . . [Edited by R.] 1898. 8°. 14174. g. 47. The Chitra Naliya Natakam. A Telugu drama, in five acts of the story of Nala [as told in Mahii-bhiirata, Vaua-p°., t/c.,] by D. Kristnama charlu. (-u)^^7^f'ot6p^>fc>S'^i».) Fourtli edition. pp. XX. 144. Madras, 1909. 8°. 14174. h, 55. EAMA-KEISHNAM-ACHAEYULU, K., of A. B. M. Traininij School, Baputla. A Guide to Teachers