Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/104

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183 EAMANUJAYYA- -EAMASAWMY 184 RAMANUJAYYA, Tirunagari Vina. [For works edited by R., see under the following headings :] Nannaya. Sabda-manjari. PcEANAs. — Bill! ijavata-piiran a . Sanskrit. ^o^eJ?5T^'Q,<^E-■(ir'^S■;3o^^^s5->sSDiSb 7r'(iS^|^si«. [Saugita-sarvdrtlia-sara-sangraliamu. A treatise on the modes and measures of Hindu music, com- prising verses selected from Sanskrit works with Telugu paraphrase, commeutary, and paradigms of musical notation. Followed by Rahasya-traya- karika, 9 Sanskrit religious verses. Edited by Katrambakam Kesavacharvulu.] -pp. iv. v. 216. ^^^S|or3ji» r><r>.y [Madras, 1859.] 8°. 14174. e. 4, [Edited by T. Siugaracharyulu and T. Alalia -siiigaracharyulu. Second edition.] pp. ii. 264. ^^^li ocre>l [Madras, 1875.] 8°. 14174. e. 7. RAMA-RAJA-BHUSHANUpU, ofBat/upalle, (Battu MuKTi). O ■ • • s3-5■?^o^«,^s^^^4J'§^ll [Haris- chandra-nnlopakhyanamu. A poem that may be read in two senses, as narrating the legend either of Harischandra or of Nala. Canto ii. With commentary styled °prakasika by Peddi-razu Anantayya. Edited with preface by Pundla Riima-krishnayya.] pp. 1-12, 35-98. T^'* [Nellore,] 1894. 8°. 14174. k. 10.(2.) A separate issue from the Amudrita-grantha-ohintamani. This poet flourished from about A.D. 1560. (s5^e5'^o^a,^er^^4r'§^^. -^kl^^.) [Haris- chandra-nalopakhyanamu. Cantos iv.-v. 88, witb a word-for-word interpretation.] pp. 1-3, 133-176. 1895-1896. See Pkriodical Publications. — Nellore. {^sSx)fij& ^^o$ "203 11) [Amudrita-grantha-chinta- mani.] vol. viii., no. 2 — vol. ix., no. 6. 1885- 1904. 8°. 14174. k. ll.Cvols. 8, 9.) See Braiimayya, Knsj-hliatla. (s'o,'s;--s-^- (S,-s^'3^.) [Mauu-vasu-prnkfisika. A study of the Manu-charitramu and Vasu-charitramu.] 1900- lOul. 12'. [Mavju-vdni.' 14174. i. ll.(vols. 2-4.) See Brahmayya, KdsJ-hha/Ia. (^s&fS:;?-^- ^S,-T°^"5^f6Mo$^. [Manu-vasu-prakrisikfinuban- dhamu. A reply to strictures upon Brahmayya's Manu-vasu-prakasika.] [1906.] 8°. 14174. g. 62.(4.) RAMA-RAJA-BHUSHANUpU, of Batlupalle, (Batto MuRTi) {continued). See Rama-chandea Rau, Fe/i- ncfi. A Prize Essay on the relative Merits of Manucharitra and Vasucharitra, etc. 1899. 8°. 14174. g. 48.(3.) s-^iSQf&jSSxi [Vasu-charitramu. A classical poem in 6 cantos on the legend of a romantic amour of king Vasu. With a word-for-word interpretation compiled by Chitturi Veiikatachala Sastri.] pp. 321. Sj^S^. [Madras, 1864.] 4°. 14174. 1. 4. Tr»zs^s3vr3(^!leJoz»(3o ^S|^sS^S5^S■■;^-»?3^^Jo^X(Si-^^S§- 6'e^02»^«b 53'-^'3'8,ef,S&i . . . ^o5,8SaSfe§-5^tXr>Soro-

^>^j'§4j'§^o»5i>5^iS "2>»n [Vasu-charitramu. With

interpretation of Ch. Vehkatachala Sastri.] pp. 328. ■^(^^11 ncrv^o [Madras, 1881.] 4°. 14174. 1. 2. RAMA-RAMA. ^_^T^'s&^^y'^«§?sg^ ^S^^jSo^jS'. 2;cSb8'35j^-(r's>D ¥&^^. [.Jaya-rama-rama-satakamu. 102 verses in adoration of the divine hero Rama.] pp. 20. ^^^»|oc3o oo-^V [Madras, 1804.] 8°. 14174. k. 9.(5.) RAMA RAU, Bdru, of Chicaeole. Sundari. A Telugu novelette . . . With an introduction by Mr. N. S. Prasada Rau. Oo«8. %.^ 'B/^Ki SiS:^ ^^foo^siM.) pp. ii. 32. Madras, 1901. 8°. 14174. g. 37.(6.) RAMA RATI, Bnambcilcam. See Soma-nathudu, P. B. ^S . . . ?0TosJ^Tj^r3c-i»3. [Basava-puranamu. Edited by R. R.] [1884.] 8°. 14174. b. 32. RAMA RAU, Kastiiri, of Bommuru. [Fa7U'gyric.] See Bhujanga Rau, M. Kasturi tilakum. 1909. 12°. 14174.1.31.(2.) rAmA-RAZTJ. See RAMA SASTRI, Giiinjddhara. See Gang.vpiiaka Bucuciii-uama Sastri. RAMA SASTRI, Rdvddi, of BayadriKj. See San- KARAciiAKYA. (^ • • • S i ^'i&n>-c5^5£>£S "s^ 11 [Yiveka- cliuilamani. With Telugu commorftaries compiled by Rama Sastri.] [1898.] 8°. 14048. c, 72.(2.) RAMASAWMY (C. V.). Sec Venkata- rama- SVAMI, K.