Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/123

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221 SRIDHARA- -SEINIVASACHAEYULU 222 SRIDHARA SVAMI. See Maha-bharata. — Modern Versions. [Bhagavad-glia.] ^a&S^X'sy^s? smU [Bhagavad-gita. With interpretation compiled by Ch. Suudara-raina Sastri from the commen- taries of Sridhara, efc] 1910, etc. 8°. 14065. ee. 2. SRI-HARSHA, son of IlJra Fandita. [For the Sriiigara-uaisliadhamu, adapted from the Sanskrit Naishadha of Sri-harslia :] See Ski-natiiudu. Nyshathum. In prose Re ■pr nted from the Manjuvani. (ss-s'^^sxt^Sstxi.) [Vachana- naishadhamu. A Telugu prose adaptation of Srl- harsha's Sanskrit poem Naishadha, by Raja M. Bhujanga Rau.] pp. ii. 88. FAlore, 1902. 12°. 14174. f. 19.(3.) Forms part of the Manjuvani Series. SRi-KANTHA SASTRI, Sdggera. See Amaru. ■r^o7v°i3^5SDi&r-s-sJ§S -aooll [Amaru-sataka. With commentary, etc. Edited by S. S.] 1898. 8°. 14076. c. 69. SRi-NATHUpU, Mdrava-2m°. [Life.l See La- KSHMi-NAKASAYYA, iiT. Sreonathacharitram. 1908. 8°. 14174. gg. 30. o o o ^5Sb4)oJ»?5M tSiXSci ■?r's5a^oeJ8'jS»;<'ej ^.^"&)- ■5'C,8'^-cPr3^. [Bhimesvara-puranamu, or Bhima- khanclamu. A poetical adaptation, in 6 dsvdsas, of the Bhima-khanda of the Skanda-purana upon the Saiva legends of the sanctuary of Bhimes- waram (Draksharamam or Dakshiiia-kasi, in Goda- vari District) . Edited by R. Vehkata-subbayya.] pp. 4, ii. xii. 142. Madras, 1901. 8°. 14175. a. 5. Forms no. 2 of the Sri-jnana-prasiina-malika. Sri-ndthudu was a court j^oct of Vema and Vlra-bhadra Reddi, the so7is mid successors of AUada Biizu of Rajah- mundry, and flourished about 1430 or 1440. Haravilasamu [a poetical composition in 7 dsvdsas of prose and verse, dedicated to the merchant Komati Tippadu, on the legends of the god Siva,] by Srinatha Kavi. [Edited by K. R. Veukata-krishna Rau.] (sr'6'a j-°;yc-3oo.) pp. iv. 5, 92. Coca.r,ada, I'dOl. 8°. 14174. k. 48.(5.) Forms no. 21 of the Saraswati Series.


^:iiSoSS§3"si$si)p . . . S)o«boc"S5^f^^o?oJfb-ab^N 73o^Jr-e)«^2S.5S-5-"S5§oKo^i«i?38o-0 . . . ^^-c^■^^S'bo|^- ^■^;3S'tiSo&e^2i13^(5'oJS £'?S'^Xb(5'4W7r>'^0(^, ^sicSbc- sfoS-OawcSScWiStS' 9^oivfS^^?f-^s^^ [Sringara- naishadhamu. A version of the epic legend of the loves and adventures of Nala and Dama- yantr, in 8 dsvdsas of verse interspersed with prose, adapted from Sri-harsha's Sanskrit Nai- shadha. Edited by Sarasvati Tiru-vengadachar- yulu and Vanglpuramu Raina-krishnara-achar- yulu.] pp. ii. 75. ^(^<-)^^|^!^ " no-ylF' [Madras, 1859.] 4°. 14174.1.1. SRINIVASA AIYANGAR, A'. V. See Vabadachar- YULU, K., and others. The Sangitha bodhini . , . compiled . . . by . . . Sreenivasa Iyengar, etc. 1906. 12°. 14174. e. 22. SRINIVASA AIYANGAR, Mandayam Bhima-rdya- }m° . See Akvakgal. The Nityanusandhanam Series . . . Edited by M. B. Srinivasa Aiyangar. 1898, etc. 8°. 14174. b. 51. SRiNIVASACHARYULTT, Komdnduru, Court Pandit of Venlcatagiri. See Maha-bhaeata. — Modern Versions. [Aranya-parva.] i^ ■ ■ • c!&S^(^9^sixi&:>. [Yak.sha-prasnamulu. Rendered into Telugu verse by Srluivasacharyulu.] 1904. 8°. [Amudrita- grantha-cMntdmani.] 14174. k. ll,(vol. 17.) SRINIVASACHARYITLU, Panappdkanm Annntd- clidrya-pu° . See Kotisvara Mantri. The Boja- sutha parinayam . . . Edited by P. Sreeniva.'^a Charlu. 1909. 8°. 14175. a. 32.(4.) See Maha-bharata. — Nannaya and Tik- hana's Version. F.A. Examination — 1901. The Telugu Mahabharata . . . With . . . notes, hints for translation, &c., by P. Sreenivasa Charlu. 1900. 8°. 14174. k. 45.(3.) See Surya-narayana Sastri, D., and Sundara-rama Sastri, C. Notes on . . . Satee- mani [a romance by Srinivasacharyulu], etc. 1901. 8°. 14174.11.30.(4.) See Timmanna, N. S. ^oa-l>^iT'»§ . . . ^&2?^"cr'53sh>8'c3.^ [Parijatapaharanamu. Edilred by S.] [1895.] 8°. 14174.1.17.(2.) See TiMMAYA,/^. G. Sree Rukmini parinayam . . . Edited ... by P. Sreenivasa Charlu. 1893. 8°. 14174. k. 47.(2.) Kanakangi. An original Telugu drama in five acts. [i'^-^o^. WitsS ■^&-^-i:r-k>i'^r..) pp. i. iv. 144. Madras, 1900. 12°. 14174. h. 27.(2.)