Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/142

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259 UPANISHADS- -VAKULABHARANA 2G0 Kuppu-samayyaru.] pp.12. 1906. See Pkriod- ICAL PcBLiCATiONs. — Madras. S's'gsJS Vidyavati, ttc. vol. i., DOS. 1-3. 1906, efx. 8°. 14174. ff. 1. (vol. 1.) Tiettireayopanishad. [Sanskrit text of the 4 sections, with Telugu word-for-word interpre- tation and paraphrase by Soma-yajula Venkata- siya Sastri.] Edited by, M. B. Bantulu [i.e. M. Buchchayya]. ^ ©.S^j^Spsxcf. 'a^sS, esji'^- ^S' '^zi^^B,' p^"^<^"-^sxD. (Supplement to the Hindu Ileformer, Madras. No. ix.) pp. 150. Madras, 1889. 8°. 14007. cc. 20. ■ [Modern and Fictitious Ujoanishads.] {^^^$- ^a_,T3jjT>s5ps3^«r fr^(^-5-"g73Ej^'er° "Scoll [Visva-brah- mopanishad. A Sanskrit tract on cosmogony and race-origins according to the traditions of the Visvakarma Brahmans or artificer castes. With Telugu translation by Yalavarti Anjaneya Sastri. Followed by a Sanskrit Gotra-kanda, purporting to form ch. iii. of a Daivajua-srariti, on legendary pedigrees from Sanaga and other saints.] pp. 11, 28. "^SJ-D'^^ [Fedaravuni], Tenali [printed], 1910. 8°. 14058. bb. 2. TJTTARA-GITA. ^^ssb;J^^J?erooO(^^^£^$s;^goKo. »/.ge)pa8b&-t4c5a^?r^^^or)--> [Qttara-gita. Three Sanskrit chapters on Yogic philosophy, forming a sequel to the Bhagavad-glta, and alleged to be derived from the Asva-medha-parva (as here) or the Bhlshma-p°. of the Maha-bharata. With Telugu word-foi'-word interpretation by Farama- nanda-tirtha. Edited by B. Annayacharyulu.] pp.96. ^^5 [Cflji (/a ?ore, 1861.] 16°. 14065. a. 1. • [A reprint of the same text and interpretation.] pp. 92. n^ri^'d [Madras? 1864.] 16°. 14065. a. 3. 'T, SS)^, [Uttara-glta. Another reprint of the same text and interpretation, with the Kaupina- pauchaka appended. Edited by Vavilla Rama- svarai Sastri.] pj). 77. 'S-^^'&^cisiM rxr^rn [Madras, 1881.] 16°. 14060. a. 9. ei^fS'/^jr-^^o^Q. [Uttara-glfa-maCjari. A poetical adaptation of the Uttara-gita.] (Bramha Vidya Series. No. 7.) pp. 41. ^^^'i [Madras,'] 1001. 16°. 14174. a. 12.(8.) VAG-BHATA, Simha gupta-pu". ^ ■ • ■ ^^-ts- 5&,'3i^5Sr»clJ8'c-SxiA'e) fcS^oX'sf'^aJcsfiaij "203 II [Ash- tanga-hridaya, or Bahata. A treatise on medi- cine. Part ii., comprising the Chikitsa-stbana, Kalpa-sth°., and Uttara-sth°., in Sanski'it. Edited with a Telugu translation by Puvvada Rama- chandra Rau.] pp. vi. xxxviii. 664. Madras, 1898. 4°. 14043. ddd.l. VAIDYAKA. -^^^i'-^Hi -s»li [Vaidyaka-sara. A Sanskrit treatise on medicine. With Telugu interpretation.] 1892-1895. 12°. See Periodical Publications. — Vizagapatam. ^S'tS-s^'g^ssJE-p. [Sakalavidyabhivardhani.] vol. i., pt. 1 — vol. ii., pt. 10. 1892-1897. 12° & 8°. 14174. g. 38. Not completed, VAIDYA-NATHA, Venlcafadri-im°., BMradvaja. (^ ■ ■ ■ s^&i-ir'&?r'i§sSx>. [Jataka-parijata. A San- ski'it metrical manual of horoscopy. With Telugu version by N. Guru linga Sastri.] pp. viii. 440. ^^^ n<r^Z [Madras, 1897.] 8 14053. ccc. 9. VAIYAPUKI SETTI, K., & CO. Shabdartharath- navali '^^^'^ '^^l"^^- A school Telugu dictionary, pp. i. 284, vi. Madras, 1897. 8°. 14174. n. 34. VAKULABHARANA PARA-DESI, AparJlshunu- Ihavi. See Sankakachakya. ^ . . . '^e)^'^^§S- ■^S'siu -acoii [Vakya-sudha. With commentary in Telugu by Vakulabharana.] 1901. 8°. 14048. bb. 55. See Upakishads. 6 . . &^pzk-^r'^^?Sf>if°^. S? -gx»ll [Upanishat-sara-ratnavali. Compiled by Vakulabharana.] 1906. 12°. 14049. b. 36. iSQ^^,. [Brahma-jnana-chintamani, or Suguna- kara-niaha-ragu-charitra. A romance conveying Vedantic doctrines.] pp. 80. ^^^^-^ff^o [Ma- dras, 1895.] 12^ 14174. b. 36. s5S'^-5^»§5io. [Suka-brahma-kaivalyamu, or Suka-maha-rishi-charitra. Lof^ends connected with the mythical sago Suka, and expositions of the Vedantic doctrines ascribed to him.] pp. ii. 140. "^^^^^^o [Madras,] ISd'J. 8°. 14174. gg. 4. "^TyreS ?S'sr>^g JJB'^rBSiM. esfS) . . . (&meJ^ S-Oj^ i^^t§v h^^ss). [Vedanta-rahasya-darpa- n.'unu. Stories of virtuous women, conveying