Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/145

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2G; VALMIKI- -VASUDEVA 206 VALMIKI {conlinucJ). EAMAYANA. — Appendix (continued). See "VEnkata SvETACHAr.A-PATi Ranqa Rau, Sir. (^ . . . SsSoS'^jSm. [Srl-malia-bluirata-srlmad- ramayana-vimarsamu. Essays ou the two epics.] 1907. 12°. 14174. f. 32. See Yalla Dasu. (^ • • • ^s&^^-s^o&six,. [Yuddlia- kanclamu. A section of the Kusakoncla-rama- yanamn, a version of the epic in yalcsha-gdna form.] 1899. 8^ 14174. k. 27.(1.) fijSu, -^40. [Kusa-lava-charitramu. A series of songs on the story of Kusa and Lava, Rama's sons, and their battles with their uncle, etc. as told in the Raniayana, Uttara-kanda and Padma-purana. Published by Pulavarti Venkayya.] pp. 9G, i. -s-gi^cS [Poca/tarfaJ 1909. 8°. 14174. k. 52.(6.) (i'^ge) -cp'Sj^cj6c3c-Sm. Sx3'f5'-5^sS'gs£)3. [Navvula ramayanamu. A prose rendering, by Gantala Rama-krishna Nayudu.] pp. 196 ; 8 plates. Ma- ■dras, 1908. 8°. 14174. gg. 21. VANA-KUMARI SAHIB, Coni'ort of Maharaja Ananda Gaja-pati B.dsu of Vizianagram. See Raja-mani Setti. The life of . . . the late Ma- harajah of Vijiauagaram. And a Poem in honour of . . . Sree Vanakumari Sahaib, tlie late Maha- vnm, etc. 1896. 8°. 14174. g. 42.(1.) VARADACHARYULU, A., PubUsher. See Period- ical Publications. — Madras. Sri Dharmopadesi . . . Edited ... by A. Varada Charlu. 1902. 8°. 14174. bb. 9. VARADACHARYULU, K., and others. The San- githa bodhini . . . First course of lessons on Hindu music, compiled ... by ... K. Varada- charriar, . . . K. V. Sreenivasa Iyengar and . . . Veeuai K. Krishnamacharriar, with an introduc- tion by ... T. Venkatasubha Iyer. (rSo^^tS^^p.) pt. i. pp. xvi. 104. Madras, 1906. 12". 14174. e. 22. In progress ? VARADAYACHARYULU, Foialcamuru Kondamd- charya-pu°. p2i£)o«' -a^6-csS>§ ?^fc)S'j&). [Nija-linga- Chikkayya-natakamu. A lyrical drama on the story of the conversion of the depraved Chikkayya by the Liiigayat apostle Basava and his subse- quent sanctity.] pp. lOL -^iSi) [Kavali,] 1909. 8^ 14174. h. 58. VARAHA - MIHIRA. Cj ■ • • 2i^tC-^^sS^sii-^iSo-Si ar^gS^^^^sio. [Brihaj-jataka. A Sanskrit work on horoscopes. Edited with a Telugu interpre- tation and commentary by S. Tiru-vengadachar- yuhi.] pp.310, ^(^c^^l^ra " ncriL.>l [Madras, 1865.] 8°. 14053. c. 35. VARAHA-NARASIMHACHARYULU, Gonnalattula Vira-yvijlsvaruchdr ya- im° . (^ . . . ^^'W°^e> -p^^. OM'S^ -g>» II [Visvakarmanvaya-pradipika, orSruty- adi-sara-sangraha. A Sanskrit metrical summary of cosmogonic, religious, and other legends re- lating to the deity Visvakarma and the artificer castes claiming descent from him. With Telugu explanation styled Tatparya-bodhini by G. V. Ammanacharyulu. Edited by Marigipiidi Rama- svami Silstri.] pp. iv. 199. 2.^^^"^S° [^^";/"" patam, 1902.] 8°. 14058. b. 42. VARAHA-NARASIMHA PATNAYAKUDU, Kallf- palll. See Venkata -narasimha- mueti, K. V. ST^^^-cP'aSj'ciSoca^ -^coH [Vichitra-ramayanauni. Edited by V. P.] 1900. 8°. 14175. b. 3. VASUDEVA PARA-BRAHMA SASTRI, Vathyam. John Fryer Thomas Bhupalium or Vyavahara Durpanum ; being a compilation of the Vijnaua- swareyum, [Devanna's] Smruticheudrika, and several other works ou Hindu law . . . carefully revised and dedicated to ... J. F. Thomas, Esq. ... by Vuttyum Vasoodeva Para Bhrummah Saustrooloo. [With an appendix containing a partial interpretation in Telugu.] (2?^^2.<=^g'- s5b-^w->yiJr'l)c6aSD^ 5S§sJ;j-6?fjS?J^c3iSiD.) pp. i. 2-53, 73. Christian Knoivledge Society's Press: Vepery (Madras), 1851. 8°. 14038. c. 13. VASUDEVA SASTRI, Vdvildla. [Life.] See Ar- vaita-brahma S.ibTRi, V. ^v2I/i"a^4J(^- [Bhratra- radhana.] 1898. 12°. 14174. f. 37. (See Bhava-bhqti. Uttara Ramacharitram, a Telugu translation . . . by . . . Vasudeva Sastri. 1889. 8°. 14174. h. 14. See Kalidasa. ^o^^^^£o¥:ix> [Andhra- raghu-vanisamu. A metrical version by Vasu- deva.] [1891.] 12°. 14174.1.33.