Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/147

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2G9 VEMANA- -VENKASniA 270 [Arrani,'eil ami] translated by Charles Philip Bi-own [with the original text]. ]ip. iii. 176. Colhfje Press : Madras, 1829. 8°. 14174. k. 36. "^a&jS'SJjgj&iew. (Selections from the verses of Vouiana [in the text and translation of C. P. Brown].) pp.23,23. See Moeris (J. C). Telugu Selections, cfc. pt. iv. 1858. 8°. 14174. n. 11. "^s&j^yi^g'sioex). -BfS;-^ [Veinana-sataka- mulu. 201 verses.] pp. 19. London Mission Press: Vizagapatam, b9. 12°. 14174. k. 3.(1.) &si Q lu IT ^ en) su jr IT . . . ^(metJinLiLDevir iB^Q^eiFliu O^- ^lEsr^u^^ojibifBefT-nr . [Padyangal. 100 Telugu stanzas of Vemana on religious, moral, and philo- sophic themes. Edited in Tamil character.s, with Tamil paraphrase, by Sita-ram-prasad.] pp. 8, 40. [xl/aJras,] 1892. 8°. 14174. k. 48.(1.) (^ . . . 'ssbjf SSgsioew. [Vemaua-padya- niulu. Edited by T. Piirtha-sarathi Ayyar.] pp. vi. 102. Madras, n^TZ [1897.] 8°. 14174. k. 63. Vemana padhyamulii . . . [Edited] by Dev. Shankar Visvanatli. (^s&>f5'SiJ§c-S»ew.) pt. i. pp. ii. 43. Madras, 1898. 8°, 14175. a. 1. Veuiana neethi vedhantha ratuavali. [Telugu text] with English translation ... by C. Rajarathnam Naidu. pt. i. pp. 64. Madras, 1901. 12°. 14174. i. 12. Ln^%iTi£iS,^^isuLnGluiT(mib^uj Q SULCI air S!sr- u^^tuLB ^a9ffLDUirL^sv ^ [Vemanna-padyam. 1000 verses. The Telugu text in Tamil letters, edited on the basis of C. P. Brown's edition, with Tamil prose translation by Puduvai Narayana- diisar.] vol. i. pp. 27G. Q^rainSssr [Madras,] 1903. 8°. 14175. a. 12. Vemanas Vedanta sidhantamu, [metrical discourses upon philosophy,] with Telugu mean- ing [styled Tattvartha-bodhiui by Jiianananda Yogi, and a preface by P. Tyaga-raya Setti.] {^i^^p^c&six).) vol. i. pp. 16, 150. Madras, 1903. 8°. 14174. bb. 12. ^^(^|7'(^^^^ S^§so3ew. [Vemana-jiiaua- Mutyiila Narasimha Yogi.] pp. 381, 95. ^i^^- r^loasix [Madras,] 190G. 12°. 14174. f. 27. ■^sSbji'f^^^^ew. [Vemana-ratnamulu. 200 of Vemana's verses. Edited by R. Venkata-subbfi Euu.] pp.80. il////«/»ore (J/rtr7TO.>0, [1908.] 32°. 14174. i. 28.(5.) Forms no. 21 of the Jana-raujani-grantha-mala. SoCJzjpcejSo cOcotf:xico S'o?;?&^txiej "^5&^. SJJgsiioeiSb t5SS^e)-z3^-^Sf5'-aeJ5SJS§5S»e» [Vemana - padyamulu and Appala-dasa-padyamulu. The verses of Vemana with parallel stanzas of Appala Dasu.] ■s.-'^^^^o _Ichchapurum,'Q9,etc. 12°. 14174. i. 34. In x>rogrcss. 3t- - o mJirga-padyamulu. Verses on philosophy and ethics. Edited and alphabetically arranged by c^5bDeo. (Vamana pathiamulu.) 3200 [verses, printed in large type. Edited by T. Gopalayya, otherwise called Santananda Yogi.] pp. 8, 590. Madras, 1909. 8°. 14175. a, 36. VENGALA IS AY AKJJl)JJ,Dumarala VeAkafddri-pu"., of Kalahasti. ;o.--xo^-■?§5^8^S^sSbo. [Bahulasva- charitramu. A poetical history of a royal votary of Krishna, in 5 dsvdsas. Edited by K. R. Veii- kata-krishna Eau.] pp. 2, 94. 1906. See Period- ical Publications. — Rajahmundry. The Saraswati, etc. vol. vii., uo. 1 — vol. viii., no. 7. 1898, etc. 8°. 14174. gj. 2.(vols. 7, 8.) VENGAMAMBA, Tarigonda. See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-ptordna. i^ • • • "tT'aicSa^A'T^S' li [Raja- yoga-sararnbu. Adapted into verse by Veuga- mamba.] [1864.] 16°. 14174. i. 7. ^d?roe^'Soi<^-i^!i SS(5'c-i«eM. [Vachana- mulu. Verses on religious subjects.] See Naea- sayya, Kadimella. "i^SoS'sJ P^'? ii [Tbeosophical poems, e<c.] pp. 75-78. 1902. 8°. 14175. a. 9. VENGANAMATYUpU, Velagapudi. See LIla-scka. (^ . . . £'^^£'g'a5o^3;3M. [Krishna-karnararitamu. With Telugu verse translation by Veiiganama- tyudu.] [1862.] 8°. 14076. c. 15. See LIla-suka. o • ■ • ii;^c)g-^g°^e)^^ "aMli [Krishna-karnamritamu. With Vengana- matyudu's translation.] [1865.] 16°. 14076. a. 9. VENKAIYYA. See Venkatya. VENKAMMA, Tarigonda. See Vengamamba.