Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/154

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the Advaita system, in the form of a judgment issued by a court of law.] pp.16. (Symbol missingTelugu characters) [Madras,] 1907. 8°. 14174. b. 59.(2.)

VENKATA-EAMANUJA NAYUDU, Koka. See Maha.bharataA. — Modern Versions. [Bhagavnd-gita.] (Symbol missingTelugu characters) . . . A Dialogue on Bhagavad-geetha. [Being the Gita in Sanskrit with Telugu glosses, embedded in a Telugu dialogue expanding the themes of the Gita, by Yenkata-ramanuju.] 1903. 8°. 14065. e. 31.

VENKATA-EAMANUJA SAEMA, Clulahcqmfi Tl- ruinaluyija-i'U°. »SfeBALLi. jo^jSS'^soo -^-oll [Balli- patanamu. With Telugu paraphrase and appendix byYenkata-ramanuja.] 1898. 16°. 14053. a. 12.(2. 1

——— See Puranas. — Brahma-valvaria-purana. (Symbol missingTelugu characters) [Brahma-vaivarta- purana. Translated by Venkata- raiiianuj i.] 1905. 8°. 14174. bb. 15.

ooo ^5i,Tr'i:;-?fr4j're;'^Sp. [Chamatkara- katha-kallolini. A romance on the fortunes of king Eochana.] pp.88. ^-^^^^ [l/arfras,] 1897. 8". 14174. g. 37.(4.) [Gopi-katha-kaumudi, or Radhika-parinayaniu. A poem in 4 dsvcisas on the legendary loves of Krishna and Radhika. Followed by a Sanskrit excerpt on the same theme from the Garga-sam- hita.] pp. viii. 181. ^(i'^" [Madras^ 1910. 8". 14175. a. 41. -5^C'-^5'?o^S'e^^^^5'^5■^^c^. Life of Kalidasa. [Kalidasa-charitra-prakaranamu. A drama in 10 acts, with a plot based upon the legendary life of the Sanskrit poet Kalidasa. ] pp. 184. Madras, 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 46. so^rs-s-S'-ST'^K-S,^^. [Maha-kavi-Kali- dasa-charitramu. An historical romance on the life of the Sanskrit poet Kalidasa.] pp. 97. no-.^3 [Mao'm«, 1893.] 8°. 14174. g. 31. VENKATA-EAMANUJA SAEMA. Komavduru Gd- j)dldchurya-im°. See Maha- uhahata. — Modern Versions. [Hari-vatnsa.l {sS^iS sS-esoiTacu.) [Vachana-hari-vamsamu. A prose paraphrase of the Hari-vam-sa, by Venkata-ramanuja.] 1899, etc. 8°. [Vdg-vallL] 14174. n. 38.(vol8, 1-3.) VENKATA-EAMANUJA SAEMA, Komdndilni Go- •pdldchdrya-pu" . {continued). /See Pekiodical PuB- LiCATroNS. — Nellore. Sree Vagvalli . . . Edited by K. V. Ramanuja Sarma. 1899-1901. 8°. 14174. n.38. VENKATA-EAMANUJA StJEI, Tinmurjari Appa- sdmi-pm°. ° <^ ° -^SoKifi^i^Q^j aoA'o^^'. [Sarari- gadhara-charitra. The legend of Sarangadhara's temptation by his father's wife, his resistance, martyrdom, and vindication, told iu the popular javgama-lcathd style of poetry.] pp. oG. ^c^^j^" [Madras;] 1909. 8°. 14175. a. 32.(3.) VENKATA-EAMANUJA SVAMI, Srlnivdsa-hhu/ta- ndtlidclidri/a-}iu°., rura-vastu. See Jagan-natha Pandita-raja. (^ • • ■ ^^^^- [338 stanzas of the Satakas. Edited by V.], t/c. 1895. 12°. 14070. b. 22. VENKATA-EAMANUJULUNAYUpU,C.,aad others. Notes on the Telugu Text for the Matricvlation [sic] Examination 1898 [viz. MoUa-ramayann, Sundara-kanda ; Bhartri-hari's Niti-sat.aka ; Ruk- minT-kalyanamu,from theBhagavata; and Ananta- charyulu's story Manju-vani-vijayamu,] by C. Veu- kataramanujulu Nayudu Garu, B.A., R. V. Ven- kata Subba Aiyar, M.A., and V. Subba Row Pautulu Garu. Part i. pp. 140, 43, 32, 19. Nellore, Madras, 1898. 8°. 14174. k. 62. In the first section the pagination after p. 76 continues as 81, etc. VENKATA-EAMA EEDDI, Dor/7f7. ^ir>sB. (Kala- vati. A Telugu novel.) [Based upon Chandu Menon's Malayalam novel Indu-lekiia."] pp. 7, 190, i. il/rt(?ms, 1909. 8°. 14174. gg. 36. The English title is from the cover. VENKATA-EAMA SAEMA, Y. See Venkat rama Sauma, Y. VENKATA-EAMA SASTEI. See Laksiimanudu, disciple of lid ma Guru. tH u-^^s9 U [Vini-raghava- satakamu. Edited by V. S.] [1852.] 8^ 14174. k. 1.(1.)

VENKATA-EAMA SASTRI, Kota. See NadI. (Symbol missingTelugu characters) [Naidi-nakshatra-mala, etc. Edited by V. S.] [1881.] 8°. 14043. c. 28.(2.)

VENKATA-EAMA SEI-VIDYANANDA-NATHUDU, Kiinuparti Veiikayu-puo. (Symbol missingTelugu characters) [sic]