Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/161

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297 VENKATA-SUBBA- -VENKATESA 298 tion of the University of Madras, December 1SS8 [viz. Tikkana's Nirvachanottara-ramayananm, bk. iv., V. ; part of Bliarata-sara-rafcuavali ; and Niti- chaudrika, Mitra-bhedamu] . pp. 4, 192, 20, 8, 8. MaZra.s', 1888. 8°. 14174. k. 45.(1.) Copious Annotations on the Telugu Text for the Matriculation Examination of the University of Madras, 1900 [viz. the Molla-ramayana, Yuddha- kilnda, ch. ii. ; Bhfigavata-purana, bk. viii. 505 foil. ; part of Bharti-i-liari's Niti-satakamu ; and Niti-chandrika i., with a preface called Kavya- svariipamu, on the art of poetry, and English translations], pp. xx. 171, 3G, 18. MaJras, 1900. 8°. 14174. k. 45.(4.) VENKATA-SUBBAYYA, R. [For works edited by v., see under the following headings :] DhuKJATI. SRi-NATHUDtl. VENKATA-SUBRAHMANYAMTJ, Iteddi. e5-^«rft«  Si^-^si'^'S-^'^^Qi'sSx,. [Vijuiina-janardanardha- satakamu. 51 verses to the deity Jauardana. Followed by a Gurv-ashtakamu. Edited by Toleti Vira-raghavudu.] pp. 16. a^#3S|orsc-i»^ ncr,^2 [VivMgapatam, IS07.] 16°. 14174. a. 12.(4.) Printed on red paper. VENKATA-SUBRAHMANYUpU, Bdmatham. See GOPALA-KAMA-DASDDD, Ii. 1^ ■ • ■ (^ p'^' jSgcSbc SJf? "aMll [Sita-svayamvaramu. Edited by V.] 1887. 8°. 14174. k. 44.(3.) VENKATA-SUEYA RATI, ClieUlulni Venhata-rdya- ■pu°. ■0-^!ioK-c^a£>-^koS'<-^. [China -ranga-raya- natakamu. A drama in 8 acts on the fortunes of China Ranga, Eau, son of the famous Raja Gopala-krishna Raiiga Rau of Bobbili who was killed in the siege of Bobbili in 1757. With preface by Nadakuduti Vira Ragu.] pp. 4, ii. 47. S;-Er=^?r;i« [Pithapuram,] 1910. 12°. 14174. h. 34.(7.) VENKATA - SVAMI, Yarrd. Vastugunadeepika (s'"^Abir36S)£'). Or Dictionary of drugs, medicinal plants, eatables, &c., by Erra Venkataswanii Garu . . . Improved & edited by his dutiful son Erra Subbarayudu. Second edition, pp. xxxii. 944. Madras, 1900. 8°. 14174. ee. 6. Vastugunadeepika . . . Improved and edited by . . . Erra Subbarayadu Garu. Third edition, pp. xxxii. ii. 968; 1 plate. Madras, 1908. 8°. 14174. ee. 13. YENKATA-SVAMI NAYADU, Ayin:da. Upanyasa chandrika or A Guide to Essay-writing in Telugu for the use of Students preparing for the School Pinal and the Intermediate Examinations. (ctS- ■fS-^-^^o^-^.) pp. xvi. 112; i pdate. Madras, 1910. 12°. 14174. m. 39. VENKATA-SVAMI NAYUDU.C. SfeeANTONiPii.LAi. The English, Tamil, Telugu and Hindustani Sonmalai . . . revised by C. Venkataswamy Naidoo, >dc. 1880. 8°. 14172. e. 10. VENKATA-SVAMI NAYUDU, Ummadl-seiti Gd- vinda-svdmi-pu°. p3^>eJ3zr°§JS8'^r3Sio3. [Sangita- vidya-darpanamu. A manual of music, comprising Sanskrit verses with Telugu explanations and dissertations.] pp. vii. 335. ^(^<^'l [Madras.} 1901. 8°. 14174.6.17. VENKATA SVETACHAIA-PATI RANGA RAU, Sir, Maharaja of Bobbili. tssis"^ ^^g'5ix>ex>-l5§', 'i>-0^(^^<xi. [Avivekapu nammakamulu, orPichchi- bhramalu. A tract against superstition.] pp. 21. Bobbili, 1905. 12°. 14174. a. 32. ajv^gS^^^^ ffis3,a6^. [Jyotis-sastra-visha- yamu. A tract on the principles of astronomy and astrology.] pp.30. Bobbili, 190o. 12°. 14174. eee. 15. , * .sSb Sj-6 ^ J?^ , ^.^^T^y laj-ocSira SsbS' ■jitio. [Srl-maha-bharata-srimad - ramayana - vimarsamu. Essays on the character of the two epics. With preface by K. Ramanujacharyulu.] pp. xiv. 18, 171. "S-^^w [Madras,] 1007. 12°. 14174. f. 32. VENKATA-VITHALA DASIJ, of Nagapur. ^ ^^ . . . ^SciiS'cr'-ix: sd^Q^SM. [Purandara - dasu- charitramu. An account, chiefly in dora verse, of the Vaishnava votary and poet Purandara Dasa, with specimens of devotional lyrics by him and his school, adapted from Kannad.i.] pp. 40. ^^a^n [Madras,] 1898. S°. 14175. a. 3.(5.) VENKATA YOGI. e5_^S^«or a£>.t^-!^^s^ [Atma- yeruka. A yaksha-gdna tract on psycho-physics, in verse and prose.] See Naeasatya, Kadimella. ■p-»§ce^S e^S" II [Theosophical poems, etc.] pp. 95- 99. 1902. 8°. 14175. a. 9. The author describes himself as son of Vcnlcamma and the "favourite (atma-kiintudu) of Chcnsu Biija." VENKATESA, disciple of Nrisimlia, (Venkata- DHVAKi). (^^'^-^^^iS)^r'^:xo.) [Srinivasa-vilasamu.