Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/177

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329 ADTJENDA. KONOW (Sten). See [Addenda] Itiuw.— Linguistic Survey. Linguistic Survey of India . . . edited by Gr. A. Grierson [assisted by S. Konow]. 190-1, etc. Fol. 759, k. 2. KRISHNA MISRA. ^^S^c?^■?o^«cSD^fc.rKo^. (Pra- bodlia cbaiidrodayam. [Rendered from Krisbna's Sanskrit drama] by A. Vyasamoorty Sastry Garu.) See [Addenda] Periodical Pdblications. — Fitha- puram. The Kavita, etc. vol. i., no. 1, etc. lOlO, etc. 8°. 14174. ff. 3. (vol. 1, etc.) hi progress. KRISHNA- MUNI, AvaJhdnamu, Srotriyadar, of Proddatur. See [Addenda] LAKSHui-NARASiMHAMU, Ch. The abbreviated Golden Creeper ... [A translation of Lakshmi-narasimliamu's ' Henia- lata"] by . . . Kristnannmi, etc. 1910, efc. 12°. 14174. f. 44. KRISHNA-MtJRTI, /., (Alcyone). SS^Ab&crjJn- [Parauia - guru - cliarana- sannidhi. Telugu translation by Cliittamuru Ramayya of "At the Feet of the Master," a theosophical tract in English by Krishna-murti.] pp. ii. 41. Chittoor, 1911. 12°. 14174. a. 51. KRISHNA-MURTI SASTRI, SrJ.-pada Vc'ul-a/a- yaji-a-pu°. Bobbili uddha natakara. [A drama on the defence of Bobbili by Raja Ranga Rau in 1757,] in six acts by Kavibaj [sic~ S Krishna- nioorthi Sastri. [iS^ti^Qsia^wio^ siy^.) pp. ii. 127. Bajahiuundry, 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 62.(14.) KRISHNA-SVAMI, Pandipeddl. a«£§as.c-s» [Bil- haiiiyamu. A poem on the legend of the poet Bilhana's amour with the princess his pupil ; said to have been composed by Siiigararyudu, and later sold by hia son Narasirnha to P. Krishna-svami, who is now described as the author in the colo- phons and some interpolated verses. Edited by T. Deva PerumaUayya.] 1910. 12°. See [Addenda] Singar.ry0du. 14174. i. 40. KRISHNA YYA, Guda Vein;(itachalr,ryn-p'u°. The Sangeeta Bilhaniyam. A Telugu di-ama in G acts of the story of Bilhana [the poet and his amour with the princess liis pupil]. (?3o^«J SeJE^csb •?p'far<-SiD.) pp. ii. 3, 103. Peravali,'^^^ [Tenali printed], 1910. 8°. 14174. h. 62.(2.) KUDER (C. F.). s;8?og ^x^o^.-fe^Sb &^T3-eS'si-o Isagogics of the Holy Bible. Second edition. pp. 123. Bruvn Industrial Mission Frintiry : B.ajd.lnnuiidry, l'J. 8°. 14174. bb. 28. KUMARA TATACHARYA, Tirumala Addanld Lal:shml-vrisimha-pii°., Kuvi-hhuslidiid. See [Ad- denda] PiLLAI LokACHARYAB. sS^^^^^c8c)^SJ^S■c^5&) "aw II [Sriyah-pati-padi, or Mantra-traya-vivara- namu. Translated by Kumara Tatacharya.] 1910. 12°. 14174. a. 56.(2.) LAKSHMi-NARASIMHAMU, ChilaJ.-araartt. The abbreviated Golden Creeper. A Hindu novel. [A translation into English of Lakshnii-narasim- hamu's "Hema-lata"] by Avadanam Kristnamuui Srotriadar, Proddatur. Tirvpati, 19(), /-tr. 12". 14174. f. 44. In progress. LAKSHMi-NARASIMHA RAU, Panuganfi VHkhita- rainanayya-pu° . Buddha bodha sudha. [A drama in 10 acts on the life and preaching of the Buddha,] by P. L. Narasirnha Rau. [With ndndl and prastdvana by K. Narasimhamu.] ('.xigsr^^- -f»$. S 3 cSioS' ;!->:£) -^k)^^.] pp. ii. i. 9, 279. eJfsoSo [Tanuhu,'] 1910. 8°. 14174. h. 62.(3.) Vriddha vivaham. [A comedy iu 4 acts on the marriage of an old man to a young girl,] by P. L. Narasimha Rao. [With vdndi and ^srasiw- wana by K. Narasimhamu.] (s'^gSsr^sS^Jio. -^"m. Tv^oi'aioe) "[j^ios'cjxi.) pp. ii. v. 122. fSvxi^ [Tanuhu; 1910. 8°. 14174. h. 62.(4.) LINGA-MURTI, Fudipeddi. -^SJ?^ir»S5c3oifis5M. sj^.tfisSoS^sj^sj'Skxi. [Suvarehala. -parinayamu, or Hanumad-vivahamu. A poem iu 7 dsvdsas, interspersed with prose, on the legend of Hanu- man's marriage with thtf daughter of the Sun- god.] pp. viii. 200. ^ixr-A '^a-^Si [Ellore, Bc::wada printed,] 1910. 8°. 14175. a. 32.(11.) MACLEAR (George Frederick) . Maclear's New Testament History for National and Elementary Schools translated into Telugu si:>5^b^&^ ptjos^ ^,c^sia^^ r.?. Second edition, pp. iv. 212. S.P.C.K. Press : Ve^ery (.Vadras), 1910. 12°. 14174. a. 54. MADHAVA, son of Jtidn Kara. si-ss,a-sr'^&. [iladhava-nidana. With Telugu paraphrase.] See [Addenda] Periodical Publications. — Pitha-