Page:A collection of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, Portuguese and other immigrants in Pennsylvania.djvu/25

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one males under sixteen; women and female children, one hundred and thirty-three—in all 261.—[Editor.

Christopher Wiegner, Georg Huebner, Georg Kribel, Baltzer Jæckel, Georg Jæckel, Caspar Kribel, Georg Ander, Abraham Jæckel, Georg Reinwald, Jr. Hans Wiegner,* Georg Wiegner,* Baltzer Jæckel, Caspar Jæckel,

Melchior Huebner, Christoph Schubert, Melchior Kribel, Sen., Balthaser Hoffman, Melchior Kribel, Jr., Georg Hoffman, Sen., Baltzer Hoffman, Jr., Jeremias Jæckel, Christoph Jakele,* Gregorius Meisther,* Christoph Reinwald, Hans Henrich Jæckel, Melchior Mentzel,

imported in the ship Saint Andrew, and the original papers. From the book alluded to it appears the ship Saint Andrew, John Stedman, master, was freighted with Schwenckfelders, followers of Caspar Schwenckfeld, born in Lower Silesia, 1490. These left their homes in April, 1734, embarked at Altoona, Denmark, May 14; arrived at Philadelphia, the 22d September, and on the 23d they declared their fealty—"Den 23ft. Sep. mußten allc Mann-Perfenen, fo über 16 Jahr auf's Rathhus, um bem Herrn bes Lantes, nemlich bem König von Greß-Brit tanien, u. Successores der Krone Englands ben Sib der Treue ablegen."—Reise-Beschreibung, c. pp. 450-461. These settled in Berks, Lehigh and Montgomery.—Rupp's His. Rel. Denom. U. S. pp. 663-667.Rupp's His. Berks Co., 222, 427. For a full account see Chapter Schwenckfelders, in Rupp's His. of the Germans in Pennsylvania.

Here it may be noted, that these were not the first Schwenckfelders in Pennsylvania. Sept. 18, 1733, a number of them arrived at Phila-^ delphia, in the Brigantine Pennsylvania Merchant: among these were Johann Klemm, Gottlob Klemm, Georg Scholtz, David Scholtz. It would appear they remained for some time in Philadelphia. Herr von Beck in his Reise-Diarium von Ebenezer in Georgia, nach den Nord- Lændern, under date, Philadelphia, June 6, 1734, says: ".J^ter fntb yon aUm OUHgi'cncn unb <£fften: $?utl)erancr, ??cformirte, ^ifc^cf* lidje, ^^rciJb^tcrianer, S^atbclifcn, £:iuicfer, X^'iini^fr/ 5??cnncniftni, (5abbatl)ertan5, (gifbcuta'iicr, (Se>aratiftfn, Scljmirtnt, (54tt?enclfelbi- ancr, Xutcfefelber, SScl)lu?iinfc^er, 3ubcn unb ^ctben, u. f. f. Ulfper^er'^ ??a4)ridjt f n , T, 156.