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1. Talk about familiar objects, to bring out color names, as toys, flowers, clothing, birds, insects, etc.
3. Show soap bubbles and prismatic spectrum.
4. Teach term hue. Hues of flowers, spectrum, plumage of birds, etc.
5. Show Middle[1] Red. Find other reds.
6. Show middle yellow. Find other yellows, and compare with reds.
7. Show middle green. Find other greens, and compare with reds and yellows.
8. Show middle blue. Find other blues, and compare with preceding hues.
9. Show middle purple. Find other purples, and compare with preceding hues.
10-15. Review five middle hues,[1] match with colored papers, and place in circle.
16-20. Show coLor SPHERE. Find sequence of five middle hues. Memorize order.
21. Middle red imitated with crayon, named and written by initial R.
22. Middle yellow imitated with crayon, named and written by inital Y.
23. Middle green imitated with crayon, named and written by inital G.
24. Middle blue imitated with crayon, named and written by inital B.
25. Middle purple imitated with crayon, named and written by inital P.
26-30. Review, using middle hues[1] in borders and rosettes for design.
Aim.—To recognize sequence of five middle hues. To name, match, imitate, write, and arrange them.


1-3. Review sequence of five middle hues.[1]
4. Show a hue intermediate between red and yellow. Find it in objects.
5. Show a hue intermediate. Compare with red and yellow.
6. Recognize and name YELLOW-RED. Match, imitate, and write YR.
7-8. Show GREEN-YELLOW between green and yellow. Treat as above, and write GY.
9-10. Show BLUE-GREEN between blue and green. Treat as above, and write BG.
11-12. Show PURPLE-BLUE between purple and blue. Treat as above, and write PB.
13-14. Show RED-PURPLE between red and purple. Treat as above, and write RP.
15-20. Make circle of ten hues. Place Intermediates, and memorize order so as to repeat forward or backward. Match, imitate, and write by initials.
21-25. Find sequence of ten hues on color sphere. Compare with hues of natural objects.
26-30. Review, using any two hues in sequence for borders and rosettes.
Aim.—To recognize sequence of ten hues, made up of five middle [1] hues and the five intermediates. To name, match, write, imitate, and arrange them.
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The term middle, as used in this course of study, is understood to mean only the five principal hues which stand midway in the scales pf value and chorma. Strictly speaking, their five intermediates are also midway of the scales; but they are obtained by mixture of the five principal huse, as shown in their names and are of secondary importance.