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The Munsell Photometer

¶A portable and convenient form of daylight instrument for the measurement of color light, whether radiant, reflected, or transmitted, and calibrated to a complete range of values from white to black, illustrating the Weber-Fechner law of sensation. It is described on page 39 of this book and in the New Century Dictionary under photometer (daylight).

¶This supplies a Scientific Basis for the system of color here outlined, and serves for both physical and psychological tests of vision; also for establishing the illumination value at any point in a room. It is in use in many laboratories, as those of Clark, Columbia, Harvard, the University of Washington, the Treasury Department, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and private establishments.

¶Materials and supplies based on the Munsell Color System, including oil colors, water colors, crayons, colored papers, balls, cards, etc., may be obtained from

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