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type. We might as well recognize the fact in the beginning that we can’t all dash.

Make the most of the looks and personality which you have. If you are demure or dignified or just pleasantly in between, watch out or the ultra styles will eclipse you.

You don’t want to be remembered as a dressmaker’s dummy carrying around a pretty frock or the woman who wore the tight skirt, the big collar or the queer sleeves.

I think one of the finest compliments which can be paid a person’s appearance is the exclamation, "I can’t remember exactly what she wore but she was dressed in such good taste and her clothes suited her splendidly".

Remember that your clothes ought to make you look your very best. Clothes can do kindly things—bring out the pretty lights in your hair, make you look an inch taller or hide the awkward curve of your hips—or they can be very, very unkind. It is not always the out-of-date dress either that is the hard task master.

A ruffle may be a charming accessory in the shop window but when rolly polly Louise wears it, it just attracts attention to the fact that her hips are unusually large. Just the fact that a dress is the latest mode—that last word in fashion—is no guarantee that it is the stylish selection for every woman.

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