Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 4, Blouses) (IA completecoursein04cono).pdf/57

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In cutting out the pattern, allow seams at all edges, except the center-back.

Making a Pattern for a Sailor Collar: Trace around the block pattern for a working diagram, as described before. First locate the depth that you want the V-neck as point A, Fig. 72. Draw the neck outline, blending it to the side of the neck.

Next determine the depth you want the collar in the back and mark a point as B,

Fig. (65) Diagram for collar band pattern

Fig. 72. From this point draw a line at right angle to the center-back of the pattern, as line BC. At point C, draw a line at right angle to line BC, as line CD, Fig. 72. From this last line, curve the outer edge of the collar to point A in the front.

The pattern can be spread to roll at the back of the neck, the same as the pointed collar of the tailored waist was spread in the first part of

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