Page:A courier of fortune (1904).djvu/236

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haste, when he heard a heavy footstep in the corridor. Fearing it might be de Proballe, he seized the knife and stood in readiness behind the door.

With intense relief he saw Pierre's bearded face. In silence Gerard pointed to where the Governor, thus bound and gagged, lay in a corner of the cell, and then donned the monk's gabardine which Pierre had brought. In this guise he left the cell, locking the door and taking the key with him, and followed Pierre along the gloomy corridor.

"They are close here, monsieur, watching," whispered Pierre; and a moment later they came upon Dubois and Gabrielle.

A hurried consultation followed as to the least hazardous means of getting out of the Castle. Gabrielle was for going to the apartments of the Duchess; but Gerard, all unwilling that she should remain a minute longer than was necessary, would not consent.

"No, we must get you beyond this Tiger's reach, at any hazard. What say you, Dubois?"

But Dubois having heard the Governor was a prisoner, had another and much bolder scheme.

"I am with mademoiselle, so far as staying here," he said. "I would take the bold line, my lord. Keep the Governor a prisoner; let me collect our men together, declare yourself openly, and by a bold stroke seize the Castle itself in the name of your father. At best we should have half the garrison on our side; and at worst should only have to hold this part of the Castle for some two days. With our hundred men we could maintain it against half an army, especially with the army disorganized and leaderless. Mademoiselle could remain with the Duchess in perfect safety, because the Governor would be in our hands."

"It is like you, Dubois, and might succeed; but I see a thousand difficulties."