Page:A courier of fortune (1904).djvu/243

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"What is the trouble, captain?" asked Pierre.

"A quarrel with some of the new soldiers which will end in work for you, I fancy, Pierre."

"It seems serious, captain; and I've work enough with my last birds not to need more. They are to be questioned to-night."

"Who are they, Pierre?" asked the officer eagerly.

"If you will walk with me I'll tell you. I am seeking the surgeon."

He led the officer away with this pretext, and the doorway being thus cleared, Gerard and the others ran down into the courtyard.

"Which way now?" asked Dubois.

"I can find the road," said Gerard. "But where is Pierre? We cannot leave him after what he has done."

"If we wait for him we shall have the place swarming with men," answered Dubois.

And this seemed true enough indeed. Attracted by the news of the fighting, soldiers were beginning to pour out of the doorways into the courtyard, laughing and oathing as they ran in the direction of the now receding sounds of conflict; and Gerard saw to his disquiet that the stream was setting in the direction of that part of the walls through which he hoped to make his escape.

"Pascal has had to retreat," he said. "But we must go. Pierre or no Pierre," and giving a last glance for the absent gaoler he set off at a brisk pace across the courtyard.

No one seemed to heed them and they were turning a corner of the building when Pierre came running after them.

"This way, my lord; not a moment must be lost," he said, breathing hard. "I had to get rid of the captain yonder and to find you swords. There may be some fighting to be done."

They raced along for a short distance at full speed,