Page:A courier of fortune (1904).djvu/246

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import had occurred and preparations on a great scale were in progress.

Dubois, with Pierre at his heels, crept up the steps and with the utmost coolness made his observations and laid his plan. Four men were standing together close to the breach talking eagerly.

"There are but four men," he whispered to Gerard; "and we have the advantage of a surprise. We had best attack before any more come up."

Gerard nodded his assent, and dashing up the three sprang forward and attacked the soldiers. Two of them went down before Gerard and Dubois, and the others broke and ran for the Castle with shouts to raise an alarm as they sped.

But the way was won, and before the men could reach their comrades to tell their news the four were safely out and speeding away through the moonlight toward the city.

The distance was short, fortunately; but short as it was, Dubois, knowing that pursuit would soon be hot on their heels, cast many an anxious look behind him at the Castle.

"Would to Heaven we could have met with Pascal," he muttered.

"He has gone to Malincourt," said Gerard.

"Should we not follow him? The pursuit will spread out like a fan and every inch of the ground will be scoured."

"We could not reach Malincourt, I fear," was Gerard's verdict, and then Gabrielle was ready with a suggestion.

"I can find shelter and help in a hundred houses while we make our plans. In the city I am sure of my people."

"Our plans should not take long to form," answered Gerard. "To leave the city by the gates is impossible, of course, and we need but a guide who will lead us to some spot by which we can get out. Once outside we can trust to ourselves to find the road to Cambrai."