Page:A courier of fortune (1904).djvu/267

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"Ho, there! Who are you and where are you going?"

"To a mess of devil's broth I expect, probably to arrest. I've just heard hell's loose at the Castle, and I'm going for my share."

"Who are you?"

"Not one of your men, sergeant. Ambroise Tourelle of Captain Bassot's command."

"What were you doing in the city?"

"Just seeing how you enjoy yourselves in Morvaix. You don't manage badly. Is the gate open?"

"Don't you know the news? Some prisoners have broken out and half killed the Governor. The whole garrison's in arms. You may look for a warm welcome if old Tiger hears you've been absent."

"Here's deafness to him, then," answered Pascal with a laugh. "I'll hurry on."

"I'll send a man back with you lest you lose your way," returned the sergeant drily, and detailed one for the purpose.

"Did you say you're one of the new lot?" asked the soldier, as they went to the Castle. "I don't know your face."

"Yet it's one your Morvaix girls will know soon, I warrant," laughed Pascal. "It's more to the matter if you know what the punishment is for being out of the Castle without leave."

"It mayn't be noticed at such a time, especially as you're a new man. If you take my advice you'll go straight to your captain and just tell him the truth."

"Yes, but where the devil shall I find him? To hell with the liquor and the women, say I; they get us into all the troubles."

"Ah, and leave us to scramble out for ourselves. I know it."

"I take to you, friend; we must see more of one another," said Pascal, with a genial laugh.