Page:A courier of fortune (1904).djvu/293

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any minute may bring the Governor to Malincourt with a strong force."

"But are we not also strong?"

"In numbers, perhaps, strong enough; but our men are virtually without arms."

"If he comes you can hold out as long as possible and then fly."

"Do you think he would leave us a way out?"

"What do you mean, Gabrielle?"

"Why, that Malincourt would be surrounded, of course, and every chance of escape stopped. We have indeed been considering within the last hour, whether it wouldn't be best to risk a flight and seek concealment in the city while there is yet time."

"Of a truth, it is well I came back," exclaimed Lucette excitedly, jumping up. "Where are your wits, Gabrielle? They say love sharpens them in a woman and blunts them in a man; but this does not look like it."

"Lucette!" cried Gabrielle, flushing partly in confusion at the words and partly with the gathered infection of Lucette's excitement.

"Yes, you ought to blush for your forgetfulness when the man you love is at such a dangerous pass."

"What do you mean?" cried Gabrielle, searching her memory vainly for some clue. "What have I forgotten?"

"Why, the passage that leads from the chapel crypt to the old burial ground and out to the woods beyond. Were the Duke's soldiers swarming in thousands round the house, that way would still be clear for every man and woman inside to pass out in safety."

"My wits must have been dull indeed not to think of it," cried Gabrielle, as excited now as Lucette. "You have saved us all, Lucette. We must tell them at once. That it should have been left for you to remind me of it!"

"I have been in it: you have only heard of it; and it's easy to remember what one's actually seen. I'll go