Page:A courier of fortune (1904).djvu/301

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"Did you question him?" asked Pascal, looking very grave.

"Yes, monsieur. He would say but little; he made a dash to escape and when we stopped him, declared that there would be plenty of his comrades here to know why he had not returned."

"Keep him safe. That is all," said Pascal; and when the man had gone he turned to Lucette. "The beginning of the end, mademoiselle. We shall soon know now which plan is right, the soldier's or the woman's?"

They carried the ominous news to Gerard, who was with Gabrielle.

"It had to come some time," said Gerard. "Thank God it hasn't come earlier. Have all in readiness, Pascal, to close the house the moment there is any sign of the Duke's approach."

And when all had been made ready against a surprise, they waited, all filled with anxiety for what was to follow.

They had not long to wait. In less than a hour the men on the look-out reported the approach of a strong party of troops, and Gerard and Pascal hurried away to decide upon the next step.