Page:A critical and exegetical commentary on Genesis (1910).djvu/592

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for Jacob's modest complimentary present (4311).—corn and bread and sustenance for the journey] cf. v.20.—24. Do not get excited by the way] sc., with mutual recriminations,—a caution suggested by 4222.—25-28. Jacob's reception of the tidings.—26. his heart became cold, or numb] unable to take in the startling intelligence, as too good to be true.—27. But gradually, as they rehearse the words of Joseph, and show him the waggons as a pledge of his power, his spirit revived] he recovered his wonted energy of thought and action.—28. From J.—It is enough] The father's heart is indifferent to Joseph's grandeur (9. 11) and princely gifts; the fact that his son lives is sufficient consolation for all he has endured (cf. 4630). The psychology of old age could not be more sympathetically or convincingly treated.

XLVI. 1-XLVII. 12.—The Settlement of Jacob and his Family in Egypt (J, E, P).

Jacob, encouraged by a night vision at Beersheba, takes his departure for Egypt (1-7): (here is inserted a list of the persons who were supposed to accompany him, 8-27). He sends Judah to announce his arrival to Joseph, who proceeds to Goshen and tenderly welcomes his father (28-30). Having instructed his brethren in the part he wishes them to play (31-34), Joseph presents five of them before Pharaoh, and obtains permission for them to settle for a time in Goshen (471-6). Jacob's interview with Pharaoh closes the account of the migration (7-12).

Sources.—The narrative of JE is several times interrupted by excerpts from P, whose peculiar style and viewpoint can be recognised in 466-27 475. 6a. 7-11 (but see the notes below, p. 439 ff.).—Disregarding these vv.,

expresses only (Symbol missingHebrew characters). S has (Symbol missingSyriac characters), 'wine,' for (Symbol missingHebrew characters), but perhaps through dittog. of (Symbol missingSyriac characters), 'asses.'—24. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)] G (Symbol missingGreek characters) V ], NE irascamini, S (Symbol missingSyriac characters), TO (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ('quarrel'). But the Heb. verb denotes simply agitation, by whatever emotion produced.—26. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)] In Arab, and Syr. the [root] means to be or grow 'cold,' in Syr., also, and NH, fig. 'grow inactive,' 'fail,' 'vanish'; in OT the prevailing idea seems to be that of numbness (BDB); cf. Hab. 14 (of tôrâh), Ps. 389.—28. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)] As an exclamation = 'enough!'; cf. Ex. 928, Nu. 163. 7, Dt. 16 23 etc.