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Was born in 1801, at Lake Pleasant, Hamilton County, New-York. Here her childhood and youth were passed until she removed to Albany, where she first formed that determination to which she adhered so nobly through all obstacles, of devoting her life to Him who had given up His for us. In 1830 she was sent out by the Missionary Board of the Baptist denomination as teacher among the Ojibwas at Saulte de Ste Marie, in Michigan. Here she continued for nearly four years, when, her health failing, she returned to her friends. In 1836 she connected herself with the Karen mission, Burmah, and went out to Maulmain in the latter part of the same year. After her arrival she was stationed at Dong-Yahn, about thirty-five miles from Maulmain. Here she lived and laboured almost alone, doing the great work which was assigned her. In the midst of discouragements she fainted not, but performed labours and endured afflictions almost incredible. When she arrived at the scene of her future labours, she found vice and sin reigning triumphant. On every hand intemperance and sensuality were observable. She immediately commenced in their midst the worship of God. On the Sabbath the people were drawn together to hear the story of the cross, and during the week her house was thrown open for morning and evening prayers. By her perseverance she soon collected a small school, and, in less than a year, a church of natives, numbering more than twenty persons, was formed and placed under the care of the Rev. Mr. Stephens. Intemperance, sensuality, and other vices gradually disappeared, and the Christian virtues took their place.

The idea of a weak, friendless, and lone woman trusting herself among a drunken and sensual people, and there, with no husband, father, or brother, establishing public worship, opening her house for prayer and praise, and gathering schools in the midst of wild and unlettered natives, is one full of moral grandeur. Intelligent, active, and laborious, Miss Macomber was not content with teaching all who came to her; she went out to the surrounding tribes, attended by only one or two converts, and, fording rivers, crossing ravines, climbing high hills and mountains, she everywhere carried the doctrines of salvation. Even the heathen heart was touched by this spectacle, and this estimable woman was respected and loved by those who hated the Gospel she taught.

Miss Macomber died April 16th., 1840, of the jungle fever, at Maulmain, where she had been carried for the purpose of obtaining medical aid. Her death was deeply lamented by the natives; even those who did not love the Saviour mourned the loss of His servant, whose kindness and hospitality they had experienced, and followed her to the grave with wails of sorrow.


Was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Payne, of Virginia, members of the Society of Friends, who manumitted their slaves soon after their marriage, and removed to Pennsylvania. Miss Dolly Payne was educated in Philadelphia, and, when very young, married Mr. Todd, a lawyer in that city, who soon left her a widow, with one son. In 1794, Mrs. Todd became the wife of Mr. James Madison,