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Abbott, Samuel Warren (1837-1904).

S. Warren Abbott was born in Woburn, Massachusetts, June 12, 1837. His father was a descendant of George Abbott, who emigrated from England about 1640, and his mother from Edward Winn, who came from North Wales about 1642. Samuel's great grandfather was Joseph Winn, who fought at Lexington and Bunker Hill. Samuel was educated at Phillips Andover Academy, Massachusetts, and graduated A. M. from Brown University (Rhode Island) in 1S58.

He began to study with Dr. Benjamin Cutter of Woburn, and afterwards at the Harvard Medical School, where he graduated in 1862. He was assistant surgeon in the United States Navy from 1861 to 1864, then surgeon to the First Massachusetts Cavalry from 1864 until it was mustered out at the close of the war.

Dr. Abbott's chief interest was in hygiene. He was coroner of Middlesex County from 1872 to 1877 and medical examiner, under the new law, of the same county from 1877 to 1S84. After the war he practised medicine in Woburn for four years and in Wakefield for the rest of his life. He was health officer of Massachusetts from 1882 to 18S6 and Secretary of the State Board of Health from its reorganization in 1886 up to a short time before his death, which occurred in Newton, Massachusetts, October 22, 1904. He was president of the Middlesex East Medical Society in 1874 and 1875.

He married Martha W. Sullivan, of Woburn, in 1864.

Dr. Abbott was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, SocititS Francaise d'Hygiene.

His contributions to medical literature were many. Among them are: "Uses and Abuses of Animal Vaccination" (American Public Health Transactions, 1SS2);" The Influenza Epidemic of 1889-90" (State Board of Health Report, 1890); "The Distribution of Diphtheria in Massachusetts" (International Congress of Hygiene, London, 1S91).

W. L. B.

Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., vol. cli., 1904.
Atkinson. Biog. Diet., 1880-1898.
Stone. Biog. Eminent Amer. Phys. and Surg.

Ackley, Horace A. (1S15-1859).

Horace A. Ackley, surgeon of Cleveland, Ohio, was born in Genesee County, New York, in 1S15, and received his early education in the district schools. At an early age he displayed a special bent towards medicine, acquiring some preliminary instruction in the towns of Elba and Batavia in his native county and subsequently attending medical lectures in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western District of the State of New York, located at Fairfield, Herkimer County, receiving there his M. D. in 1833, at the early age of eighteen. The following year he settled in Rochester, New York, and, at the request of Dr. John Delamater, who had been one of his teachers in Fairfield, delivered at Palmyra a course of lectures on human anatomy In 1835, Dr. Ackley removed to Akron, Ohio, and in the following year was ap-