Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/36

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and let him stiuly jnodicinc under Dr. Alexander McCoy. The student graduateil from the Ohio Medical Col- lege of Cincinnati and six years later began to jiractise in New Haven, Ohio, and afterwards in Racine, Wis- consin, first marrying Mary Elizabeth .\ustin, who died in 1872 leaving three children, Albert Harris, who became a doctor; Jenny Rebecca and Philo Roniayne.

The new country to which he came was comparatively unknown as far as its natural resources were concern- ed, and Hoy went to work to make a complete collection of flora and fauna, especially of native woods, shells and fossils. He welcomed all the nat- uralists who came to see him and cor- responded pleasantly w-ith such men as Agassiz, Henry, and Kirtland. His collection went to Racine, the interests of whose college he had done so much to promote.

His writings were chiefly in the "Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science." "How did the Aborigines of This Country fabricate Copper In- struments?" vol. iv; "Who built the Mounds?" vol. vl "Who made the Ancient Copper Implements?" vol. v, etc., and, in vol. i of the "Geology of W^isconsin," "A Cata- logue of Wisconsin Lepidoptera;" "A List of Noctuidse in W'isconsin," and A Catalogue of Cold-blooded Vertebrates."

His name has been perpetuated in making him godfather to some three or four fossils and four fauna (the arthoceras Hoyi, etc.). There are many American doctors bound up with the natural history of the States in the same way , though dust has gathered over the connection and few now know- aught connected with the names. Paris made Hoy a member of the Entomo- logical Society of France, and he was also naturaUst on the United States Survey and a fellow or member of the leading academies of science in America.

He contrived, though continuing a


large practice, to gather one of the largest local natural history collections, believing a local one to attain ever increasing value in view of the de- struction of forests and increase of inhabitants leading to the extermina- tion of many species.

He was a man who was alive all over; all men, all sciences were eager- ly studied and, although not so well after a severe chill in 1S90, there was no pln^sical intimation of his sudilen death two years later, leav- ing none but the plea.santest memories behind. D. W.

^^ isc'onsin Acid. ISci., vol. ix. Personal C'ommun. from his daughter.

Huger, Francis Kinloch (1773-1855).

Francis Kinloch Huger was born in Charleston, South Carolina, Septem- ber, 1773, the son of Maj. Benjamin Huger and Mary Esther Kinloch. He was sent to England to school when he was eight years old, and returned to Carolina on a brief visit in 1791. He completed his education and studied medicine under the distinguished surgeon, John Hunter, of London, and in 1794 was engaged as surgeon on the Medical Staff of the English Army in Flanders, under the Duke of York. Leaving the army he went to Vienna for study and there met Dr. Eric Boll- man, a Hanoverian physician, who, in October, 1794, informed him of the plan to liberate Lafayette who was then confined in the fortress of Olmutz, and Dr. Huger volunteered to assist in the rescue.

Dr. BoUman, through making ac- quaintance with the surgeon of the fortress, was enabled to lend French books to Lafayette and to indicate invisible writing. By this means of communication the plot for the rescue was perfected. While out riding with two guards, on November S, 1794, Lafayette alighted and gradually drew the officer w-ho had him in charge away from the high road. Suddenly he grasped the hilt of the officer's