Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/58

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1S64, medical matters were in a plastic state. Since the early fifties abortive eCForts had been made to utilize its clinical material for the medical depart- ment of Michigan University and he soon solved the problem by founding the Detroit Medical College. He married ]\Iiss Darling, of Warsaw, in 1S59, but she died childless shortly after moving to Detroit. In 1SG7 he married Miss Joy, daughter of the Hon. J. F. Jo3% of Detroit, by whom he had two children, Mattie and a son, Nathan, who became a phj^sician in Detroit.

Jenks died of pneumonia, on the cars between Detroit and Chicago, March, 1903.

Among his many appointments and memberships he was:

In 1866 a founder of the Michigan State IMedical Society, its president in 1S73; a founder of the Detroit Acad- emy of Medicine, vice-president in 1869, president in 1871; a founder of the Detroit Gj'necological Society in 1879, president in 1888; a founder of the Amer- ican Gynecological Society; a founder of the Detroit Medical Library Associa- tion; honorary member of the Lon- don Obstetrical Society, 1884; member Maine State Medical Society, 1875. Jenks was a founder and editor of the "Detroit Review of Medicine and Phar- macy, 1866-69; a founder of the Detroit Medical College in 1868, its president and professor of obstetrics from 1868 to 1880; in 1879 professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children at Bowdoin College, Maine; in 1879 professor of gynecology, Chicago Medical College; in 1892 pro- essor of gynecology, Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery, Detroit; from 1865-80 gynecologist to Harper's Hos- pital, Detroit; 1868-80 gynecologist to St. Mary's Hospital, Detroit; 1875-80 gynecologist to the Woman's Hospital.

Papers :

" Pelvic Cellulitis." (" Detroit Review of Medicine and Pharmacy," vol. iv.)

"Causes of Sudden Death in Puer- peral Women." Address in Obstetrics.

("Transactions of American Medical Association," vol. xxix, 1878.)

"Fibrous Tumors of the Uterus." ("Transactions of Amercian Medical Association," vol. xxvi.)

"Ovariotomy." (Ibid., vol. xxix.)

"Elephantiasis Arabum." ("Detroit Review of Medicine and Pharmacy," vol. X.)

"Menstruation without Ovulation." ("Transactions of Michigan State Med- ical Society," Lansing, 1870.)

"Atresia of the Genital Passages of Women." ("Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner," September, 1880.)

" Report of a Successful Case of Cesa- rean Section After Seven Days' Labor." (Reprint "American Journal of Ob- stetrics," New York, 1877, p. 8.)

"Treatment of Puerperal Septicemia by Intrauterine Injections." ("Trans- actions of American Gynecological Soci- ety," vol. iv.)

"Perineorrhaphy With Special Refer- ence to Its Benefits in Shght Lacerations and a Description of a New Method of Operating." (" American Journal of Ob- stetrics," New York, 1879, vol. xii.)

" Relation of Goitre to Pregnancy and Derangements of the Generative Organs of Women." (Reprint "American Jour- nal of Obstetrics," New York, 1881.)

" On Postural Treatment of Tympanitis Intestinalis, Following Ovariotomy." (Ibid., July, 1878.)

"Disease of the Vagina and Vulva." ("Pepper's System of Practical Medi- cine," Philadelphia, 1886, vol. iv, pp. 367-404.)

" Perineo- vaginal Restoration." ("American Journal of Obstetrics," New York, 1893.)

"On a New Mode for Operating for Fistula in Ano." (Reprint, "Trans- actions of American Gynecological So- ciety," Boston, 1883, vol. ii.)

L. C.

Representative Men in Jlich., West. Biogra- phical Co., Cincinnati, O., 1878, vol. i.

Jervey, James PosteU (1808-1875).

He was born at Charleston, South Care-