Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/98

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In the cjvrly seventies be married Mrs. Pauline Cook but had no children. A fine portrait by Toby Rosenthal and a marble bust are in the possession of the colleixe.

Dr. Lane did not seek public position, but was once a member of the City and State Board of Health and president of the State Medical Society.

Among his articles are found:

"Ligations for the Cure of Aneurysm," 1884.

"Rudolf Virchow," 1893.

" Surgery of the Head and Neck," 1898. H. G, Jr.

Am. Med., Phila., 1902, vol. iii.

Brit.-M. J., 1902, vol. i.

Lancet, London, 1902, vol. i.

Pacific Med. J., San Fran.. 1902, vol. xlv.

Lang, John (1859-1896).

John Lang was born in Dumbarton, Scotland, first of August, 1859, and took high honors as a student. He held the L. R. C. P., Edinburgh, and the L. F. P. S., Glasgow. At first he was house surgeon at the Eye Infirmary, Glasgow, 1884, then went to China where he stayed seven years, having charge of the Amoy Mission Hospital. On account of ill health he went to Vic- toria, British Columbia, in 1892, and practised as an oculist, being appointed ophthalmic surgeon to the Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital, where he did useful work and was held in high repute.

As the result of an accident to the Point Ellice bridge. May 26, 1896, when many, persons were drowned, he received severe injuries to his kidneys which a few weeks later proved fatal. O. M. J.

Larsh, N. B. (1835-1887).

N. B. Larsh, of Nebraska City, Nebraska, was one of the medical pioneers of the state. In 1859 he came to Nebraska City and became at once a factor in the affairs of his city and state as well as in the medical profession. In 1868 he was one of those who organized the Nebraska State Medi- cal Society; in 1870, 71 and 72 he was

superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane at Lincoln; and in 1872 be- came president of the State Medical Society.

That he continued active in both public and professional affairs is evi- denced by the fact that death (Decem- ber 22, 1887) was due to an acute con- gestive disturbance following severe exposure while on a professional call and that at the time he was mayor of Nebraska City.

Larsh was of French parentage and was born January 6, 1835, at Eaton, Ohio. He attended Antioch College, Ohio, and received his M. D. from Miami Medical College in 1857. After spending a short time in Palestine, Ohio, he came to Nebraska City in 1859 where on December 2, 1859, he married Ella S. Armstrong.

Dr. Larsh was one of the most active members of the State Medical Society in its early days. He signed the original constitution as a delegate from Otoe County and was elected president in 1870. He contributed at this meeting a paper reporting a case of pyemia. At the meeting in 1871 in Lincoln he presided and also read a paper reporting a gunshot wound of the abdomen.

H. W. O.

Report of the Committee on Necrology of the Nebraska State Medical Society, 1888. The History of Nebraska.

Latham, H. Grey, (1831-1903).

He was the son of Dr. Henry Latham of Lynchburg, Virginia, and born in that city on March 4, 1831. His father was a distinguished physician, and both he and his son had the honor of being chosen president of the State Medical Society.

Educated in private schools at Lynch- burg and the University of Virginia; he studied medicine in the University, graduating in 1851, and did hospital work in Richmond, Baltimore and Philadelphia. He then settled in his native town.