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The Natural Hiſtory

Whale, leaving the reſt of the huge Carcaſe for the Prey and Spoils of the Morſes, and Sea-Birds.

Cachelot.The Cachelot or Pot-Fiſh is a fifth Species of Whales, whoſe Shape is ſomewhat different from that of other Whales, in that the upper Part of his Head or Skull is much bigger and ſtronger built; his Spouts or Pipes are placed on the Forehead; whereas other Whales have them on the hinder-part of the Head. His under Jaw is armed with a Row of Teeth which are but ſhort. His Tongue is thin a pointed, and of a yellowiſh Colour. He has but one Eye on the Side of the Head, which makes him of eaſy Acceſs to the Greenlanders, who attack him on his blind Side. Sperma Ceti is prepared of the Skull of Cachelots.Of his Skull that wrongly ſo called Sperma Ceti is prepared, one yielding 20 to 24 Tuns thereof. The reſt of the Body and the Tail are like unto thoſe of other Whales. He is of a browniſh Colour on the Back, and white under the Belly. He is of different Sizes, from 50 to 70 Foot long.
