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of Greenland.
or Tuſks, bended downwards over the sunder Jaw, of the length of half a Yard, and ſometimes of a whole Yard and more. Theſe Tuſks are eſteemed as much as Elephants Teeth; they are compact and ſolid, but hollow towards the Root. His Mouth is not unlike that of a Bull, covered above and beneath with ſtrong Briſtles as big as a Straw. His Noſtrils are placed above his Mouth, as thoſe of the Seal. His Eyes are firey red, which he can turn on all Sides, not being able to turn his Head, by Reaſon of the Shortneſs and Thickneſs of his Neck. The Tail reſembles a Seal's Tail, being thick and ſhort. His Fat is like Hogs Lard. Is an amphibious Animal.He lies commonly upon the Ice Shoals, and can live a good while on Shore, till Hunger drives him back into the Seas; his Nouriſhment being both Herbs and Fiſhes. He ſnores very loud, when he ſleeps; and when he is provoked to Anger, he roars like a mad Bull. 'Tis a very bold and fierce Creature, and they aſſiſt each other, when attack'd, to the laſt. Fights the White Bear.He is continually at War with the White Bear,