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of Greenland.

we have in Norway; All Sorts of Sea all Kinds of Mewsbig and ſmall, which build their Neſt in the Clifts of the higheſt Rocks, beyond the Reach of any one; and ſome upon the little Iſlands, as the Bird called Terne and the like; whoſe Eggs they gather in great abundance among the Stones: The Lundes or Greenland Parrot, ſo called on account of its beautiful Plumage, and broad ſpeckled Bill: And other Sea Birds.The Lumbs, the Sea-Emms, a Fowl of a large Size, and very ſmall Wings; for which reaſon he cannot fly. Beſides Snipes, and a great Number of others; ſome too common to be enumerated and deſcribed here, and others, of which I know not the Name, but whoſe Figure and Shape you will ſee in the Cuts.
