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of Greenland.

Harpoons, to which are faſtened Lines or Straps two or three Fathom long, made of Seal Skin, at the End of which they tie a Bag of a whole Seal Skin, fill'd with Air, like a Bladder; to the End, that the Whale, when he finds himſelf wounded, and runs away with the Harpoon, may the ſooner be tired, the Air-Bag hindering him from keeping long under Water. When he grows tired, and loſes Strength, they attack him again with their Spears and Lances, till he is killed, They put on their Spring Coats, when they go under Water to cut the Fat of the Whale's Belly.and then they put on their Spring Coats, made of dreſſed Seal Skin, all of one Piece, with Boots, Gloves, and Caps, ſewed and laced ſo tight together that no Water can penetrate them. In this Garb they jump into the Sea, and begin to ſlice the Fat of him all round the Body, even under the Water: For in theſe Coats they cannot ſink, as they are always full of Air; ſo that they can, like the Seal, ſtand upright in the Sea: Nay they are ſometimes ſo daring, that they will get upon the Whale's Back, while there is yet Life in him, to make an End of him, and cut away his Fat.
