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of Greenland.

Smell is very diſagreeable, as well by the Number of burning Lamps, all fed with Tail-Oil, as on account of divers Sort or raw Meat, Fiſhes and Fat, which they heap up in their Habitations; but eſpecially their Urine-Tubs ſmell moſt inſufferably, and ſtrikes one, that is not accuſtomed to it, to the very Heart.

Theſe Winter-Habitations they begin to dwell in immediately after Michaelmas, and leave them again at the Approach of the Spring, which commonly is at the latter End of March; Their Summer Lodgings are Tents, made of Seal or Rain-Deer Skins.and then for the Summer-Seaſon lodge in Tents, which are their Summer Habitations. Theſe Tents are made of Rafts or long Poles, ſet in a circular Form, bending at the Top, and reſembling a Sugar-Loaf, and covered with a double Cover, of which the innermoſt is of Seal or Rain-Deer Skins with the Hairy-ſide inward, (if they be rich) and the outermoſt alſo of the ſame ſort of Skins, without Hair, dreſſed with Fat, that the Rain may not pierce them. In theſe Tents they have