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of Greenland.
Women's Habits.The only Difference between the Dreſs of the Men and the Women is, that the Women's Coats are higher on the Shoulders, and wider than the Men's, with higher and larger Hoods. The married Women, that have got Children, wear much larger Coats than the reſt, moſt like Gowns, becauſe they muſt carry their Children in them upon their Backs, having got no other Cradle or Swadling-Clothes for them. They wear Drawers, which reach to the middle of the Thigh, and over them Breeches. The Drawers they always keep on, and ſleep in them. Their Breeches come down to the Knee. Theſe they do not wear in the Summer, nor in the Winter, but when they go abroad; and as ſoon as they come home they pull them off again. Next to their Body they wear a Waiſtcoat made of young Fawns Skins, with the hairy Side inward. The Coat, or upper Garment, is alſo made of fine coloured Swans Skins (or in Defect of that, of Seal Skins) trimmed and edged with White, and nicely wrought in the Seams, and about the Brim, which looks