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The Natural Hiſtory

propoſes it to their Parents and Relations on both Sides; and after he has obtained their Conſent, he gets two or more old Women to fetch the Bride (and if he is a ſtout Fellow, he will fetch her himſelf:) They go to the Place where the young Woman is, and carry her away by Force; for though ſhe ever ſo much approves of the Match, yet out of Modeſty ſhe muſt make as if it went againſt the Grain, and as if ſhe was much ruffled at it; elſe ſhe will be blamed and get an ill Name, as if ſhe had been a Loveſick Wench. After ſhe is brought to the Houſe of the Bridegroom, ſhe keeps for ſome time at a Diſtane, and ſits retired in ſome Corner, upon the Bench with her Hair diſhevelled, and covering her Face, being baſhful and aſhamed. In the mean while the Bridegroom uſes all the Rhetorick he is Maſter of, and ſpares no Careſſes to bring her to a Compliance with his ardent Wiſhes; and the good Girl being at length perſuaded and prevailed with, yields kindly to his raviſhing Embraces; and then they lie down together, and ſo the Wedding is
