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of Greenland.
Singular. Dual. Plural.
Sibbiak, the Hip, Sibbirſek, Sibbirſet.
Serkok, Knee. Serkuk, Serkuit.
Kannak, Shank. Kannek, Kannerſet.
Iſiket, Foot, is only of the Plural Number.
Kimik, Heal, Kimik Kimit.
The Conſtruction with Poſſeſſive Pronouns is thus.
Iglo, a Houſe, Igluk, Iglut.
My Houſe, Igluga, Igluka, Igluka.
Thy Houſe, Iglut, Iglukit, Iglutit.
His ——— Igloa, Igluk, Igloëi.
His own ——— Iglune, Iglugne, Iglune.
Our ——— Iglout, Iglogut, Iglovut.
Your ——— Iglurſe, Iglurſik, Igluſe.
Their ——— Igloæt, Igloæk, Iglöeit.
Their own ——— Iglurtik, Iglutik, Iglutik.

This ſame Noun's Counſtruction with the Suffixas at Prepoſitions, mik and nik, mit and nit, which ſignifies from; mut and nut, to; me and ne, on or upon, is thus performed.

Singular. Dual. Plural.
To the Houſe, Iglomut, Iglugnut, Iglunut.
To my Houſe, Iglumnut, idem, idem.
To thy ——— Iglungnut, idem, idem.
To his Houſe, Igloanut, Igloennut, Iglocinut.
To his own ——— Iglominut, Iglungminut, Iglominut.
To our ——— Iglotivnut, Iglutivnut, idem.
To your ——— Igluſivnut, idem, idem.
To their ——— Igloænut, idem, Iglöeinut.
To their own Houſe, Iglomingnut, idem, idem.