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of Greenland.


Of the Greenland Trade, and whether in promoting it, there is any Advantage to be expected.

Wherein the Greenland Traffick conſiſts.The Goods and Commodities Greenland affords for the entertaining of Commerce, or Traffick, are Whale Blubber or Far, and Whale-Bones, Unicorn Horns, Rain-Deer Skins and Hides, Seal and Fox-Skins. Theſe Wares they uſe to barter againſt Merchandizes of our Produce, as Coats and Shirts made of white, blue, red or ſtrip'd Linen or Woollen Cloth; as alſo Knives, Hand-Saws, Needles, Hooks to angle with, Looking-Glasses, and other ſuch Mercchandize or hard Wares. Beſides what they buy of Wood, as Rafts, Poles, Deal-Boards, Cheſts, and of Braſs and Copper, as Kettles and the like, Tin Diſhes and Plates; for which they pay to the full Price. At the Beginning of our late Settlement in thoſe Parts the Trade was much
