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The Natural Hiſtory

Entrails are not found ſound, but damaged. The firſt Week after the Delivery, they eat nothing but Fiſh, afterwards they are allowed Meat. The Bones they pick, in this State, muſt not be carried out of Doors. After the firſt Childbed, a Woman is not allowed to eat of the Head or Liver. They muſt not eat in the open Air. During their Lying-in, they have their Water-Pails for themſelves alone; if any unwittingly ſhould drink of this Water, the reſt muſt forbear working for ſome Weeks, neither muſt they drive any Trade during that Time: Likewiſe if any body be ſick, they do not care to meddle with any Trade. They are not allowed to eat or drink bareheaded. They pull off one of their Boots, and lay it under the Bowl, which they eat out of, to the End (as they imagine) that the Infant, being a Male, may become a good Seal-Catcher. During the Infancy of the Child, they dare not boil any thing over the Lamp, nor let any Strangers light a Fire with them; and many
