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The Natural Hiſtory

among whom as he found ſundry Jewiſh Rites and Ceremonies, he took them to deſcend from Jews, or rather from ſome of the ten Tribes of Iſrael, who were led into the Aſſyrian Captivity, and afterwards diſperſed into unknown Countries. See hereon Eſpars, L. IV.

They load themſelves with Amulets, fancying they bring them good Luck in their Affairs and keep them from harm's Way.A Superſtition very common among them, is to load themſelves with Amulets or Pomanders dangling about their Necks and Arms, which conſiſt in ſome Pieces of old Wood, Stones or Bones, Bills and Claws of Birds, or any thing elſe, which their Fancy ſuggeſts to them; which Amulets, according to their ſilly Opinion, have a wonderful Virtue to preſerve thoſe that wear them, from Diſeaſes and other Misfortunes, and gives them Luck to good Captures. To render barren Women fertile or teeming, they take old Pieces of the Soles of our Shoes to hang about them; for, as they take our Nation to be more fertile, and of a ſtronger Diſpoſition of Body than theirs, they fancy the Virtue of our Body communicates itſelf to our Cloathing.
