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of Greenland.

tranſlated into Heaven and aſtrifed, if I may ſay ſo; which Conſtellation to this Day goes by the Name of Coma Berenices, or Berenice's Hair: And what Travellers relate of China and the Eaſt-Indies, where ſome are of Opinion, that the Sun's Eclipſe is nothing but, that a certain Devil or Spright ſometimes ſwallows up the Sun, and then again ſpews it out.


The Capacity of the Greenlanders, and their Inclination towards the Knowledge of God, and the Chriſtian Religion; and by what Means this may eaſily be brought about.

The Nation of the Greenlanders for the moſt part ſtupid and indolent.As the Greenlanders are naturally very ſtupiud and indolent; ſo are they likewiſe very little diſpoſed to comprehen and conſider the divine Truths, which we expound to them; and notwithſtanding People in Years ſeem to approve of the Chriſtian
