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The Natural Hiſtory

ſuffer no Want. Is there no Pomp and Pride to be ſeen among you? neither is there any Slight or Scorn to be met with. Is there no Nobility or high Rank amongſt them? neither is there any Slavery, or Bondage. What is ſweeter than Liberty? And what is happier than Contentedneſs? But one thing is yet wanting, I mean, the ſaving Knowledge of God and his dear Son Chriſt Jeſus, in which alone conſiſts eternal Life and Happineſs. John 17. And this is what we offer you, in preaching to you the Holy Goſpel.

Now, God, who bad Light ſhine forth in Darkneſs enlighten your Hearts, in the Light of the Knowledge of God's glorious Apparance in and through Chriſt Jeſus. May he deliver your Souls from the Slaery of the Devil, and of ſinful Luſts, as you are free from corporeal Bondage, to the end that you always may be free with the Lord both in Soul and Body. Amen.