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of Greenland.
believe this, becauſe the farther you go Northwards in the ſaid Strait, the lower is the Land; contrary to what we obſerve, where it borders on the Seas or main Ocean,'Tis uncertain, whether it borders upon Aſiatic Tartary, on the North-Eaſt Side. it never wants lofty Promontories. It has been the commonly received Opinion, of a long ſtanding, that Greenland borders upon the Aſiatic Tartary, and Moſcovia on the North-Eaſt; what confirms them in this Notion is an old Story they give Credit to, that a certain Harrald Goat did travel by Land, over Mountains and Rocks, from Greenland to Norway, bringing along with him a She-Goat, of whoſe Milk he lived on the Journey; by which he got the Surname of Harrald Goat. Furthermore, the ancient Greenland Chriſtians in their Chro-

    They will alſo tell you, they have ſpoken with People different from themſelves on the other Side of the Ice, and hail'd them: Their Language (they ſay) is the ſame, but the Perſons different, ſo that a ſmall Straight only divides Greenland from America. The ſaid Straights are ſo narrow, that Men on both Sides can ſhoot at once one and the ſame Fiſh. The Continent fartheſt to the North is all covered with Ice: The Iſlands only uncovered, where Rain-Deer, Geeſe, and other wild Birds are found in great Numbers.